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Request for a ban of these 3 accounts:
STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose


STEAM_0:0:218372671    Mimi


STEAM_0:0:219790513    Sgt Smoke'Em


Reason for the Ban: these accounts are alternate accounts which belong to a person who has at least other 8 permanent banned accounts,
known as "Goose" or "Captain Cat" or "Doctor Bazooka".


Recommended duration of ban: Permanent


Demo Provided?: N
This person based in the Manchester/England area has been teamkilling heavily and mic spamming since at least April 2014.
I located 11 accounts that belong to him, and there could be more, as there are gaps in the timestamps found.
Of those 11, only the 3 listed above are currently not permabanned. His accounts have a total of 39 bans issued (including the 8 permanent).
The accounts sum up a time played of 07:29:05 (of which around 4 hours in only 2 accounts), in which he made 1,207 teamkills, giving him the average of 1 tk every 22.3 seconds.
The oldest account found (from mid-2014) uses mainly the nick "Goose", while 10 accounts had used "Captain Cat" and 9 "Doctor Bazooka", which are the most frequent nicks used.
Using the nick to identify these accounts can be confusing, as he frequently changes it, and uses the same for different accounts.
Thus, the SteamIDs accompany any account reference made.
The 3 requested accounts are shown to be linked in many ways with the (already permabanned) 8 accounts below:


STEAM_0:0:85251023    Goose


STEAM_0:0:183729032    SETSUNA


STEAM_0:0:183558828    Doctor. Bazooka.


STEAM_0:0:183817270    =47= david cameron


STEAM_0:1:184613338    Doctor Zaius


STEAM_0:0:194499291    Lol


STEAM_0:0:187068206    Lisa Needs Braces


STEAM_0:1:194755924    Much

Accounts banned while using the IP
07-03-17 16:24    STEAM_0:1:194755924    Much (as "Beaker")
07-02-17 10:17    STEAM_0:0:218372671    Mimi
06-24-17 11:56    STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose (as "Doctor Zaius")
06-23-17 16:10    STEAM_0:0:218372671    Mimi (as "Insurance for Teeth")
Accounts banned while using the IP
07-23-17 10:43    STEAM_0:0:187068206    Lisa Needs Braces
07-21-17 15:21    STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose
07-19-17 15:06    STEAM_0:0:219790513    Sgt Smoke'Em (as "Dr Zaius")
There are 3 other IPs which were in use by 2 or more of these accounts when they were banned. More details in the spreadsheet attached.
Event log for 25 Jun 2017 (all are connection attempts using banned accounts):
25 Jun 2017 00:27:22    STEAM_0:0:85251023    Goose    Connect
25 Jun 2017 00:27:22    STEAM_0:0:85251023    Goose    Disconnect
25 Jun 2017 00:33:00    STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose    Connect
25 Jun 2017 00:33:01    STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose    Disconnect
25 Jun 2017 00:44:23    STEAM_0:0:194499291    Lol    Connect
25 Jun 2017 00:44:24    STEAM_0:0:194499291    Lol    Disconnect
25 Jun 2017 00:51:14    STEAM_0:1:184613338    Doctor Zaius    Connect
25 Jun 2017 00:51:15    STEAM_0:1:184613338    Doctor Zaius    Disconnect
Event log for 21 Jul 2017
21 Jul 2017 09:19:46    STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose    Connect
21 Jul 2017 09:21:38    STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose    Disconnect
21 Jul 2017 09:22:40    STEAM_0:0:219790513    Sgt Smoke'Em    Connect
21 Jul 2017 09:22:41    STEAM_0:0:219790513    Sgt Smoke'Em    Disconnect
Event log for 23 Jul 2017
23 Jul 2017 04:40:50    STEAM_0:1:194755924    Much    Connect
23 Jul 2017 04:40:51    STEAM_0:1:194755924    Much    Disconnect
23 Jul 2017 04:42:40    STEAM_0:0:187068206    Lisa Needs Braces    Connect
23 Jul 2017 04:43:47    STEAM_0:0:187068206    Lisa Needs Braces    Disconnect
Nicks history:
"Captain Cat" is the most frequent nick, used at some point by 10 of the 11 accounts. All used it except:
STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose
Nicks history:
"Doctor Bazooka" is the 2nd most frequent, used by 9 accounts. All used it except:
STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose
STEAM_0:0:85251023    Goose
Nicks history:
"Doctor Zaius" is the 3rd most frequent, used in many variations by 6 accounts. The accounts who DID use it are:
STEAM_0:0:183729032    SETSUNA
STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose
STEAM_0:0:218372671    Mimi
STEAM_0:0:219790513    Sgt Smoke'Em
STEAM_0:1:184613338    Doctor Zaius
STEAM_0:1:194755924    Much
Nicks history:
There are more than 100 different nicks used by these 11 accounts, and at least 25 of them were used by two or more accounts.
Also, many of these nicks are somewhat unique, not widely used, lowering considerably the chances of a mere coincidence.
More details in the spreadsheet attached.
Putting together the behavior, ban history, the IP numbers, the nicks and the connection timestamps,
there is enough evidence to demonstrate that all these 11 accounts belong to the same person.
Final comments:
More details are in an ODF spreadsheet with all the raw data gathered for this request, attached to this request.


This guy will probably be back soon, and attention should be paid for some of his defining characteristics:
-after joining the server, he immediately proceeds to teamkill and/or mic spam;
-I was playing when he joined in some occasions(only found out that it was the same person after this search),
 twice he repeated "mi mi mi" non stop (imitating a cat), and the other time he repeated "lisa needs braces"
 (the nick he was using) non stop, thus similar repeating patterns are to be expected, and easily recognizable;
-as Larson wrote in the ban report, he also spams music;
-for teamkill he usually deploys a MG inside the friendly spawn or uses an Stg or BAR, without any subtleties;
-beside the often used nicks "Captain Cat" and "Doctor Bazooka", he frequently uses nicks related to animals or
 politicians (either English or very famous from the USA/Europe). Frequent words he uses in nicks are "Doctor", "Captain" and "Cat";
-he plays from the Manchester/England area, and his latest IPs indicate (using MaxMind's GeoIP2) that he's a Vodafone Broadband customer,
 and usually has IP numbers starting with "90.255", "90.254" or "90.253".


When someone is banned while fullfilling all of these defining characteristics, it'll probably be him, and he will keep coming back
with that account until a permanent ban is issued.


This inquiry originated after Larson's ban on two of these alt accounts. And then I started searching...

Goose-Captain Cat-Doctor Bazooka.ods


List of previous forum ban requests and reports regarding these 11 accounts:
STEAM_0:0:85251023    Goose

Has 6 bans including the permanent, issued 06-25-14 12:23.

April 29, 2014

May 25, 2014

June 17, 2014

June 25, 2014

STEAM_0:0:183729032    SETSUNA

Has 4 bans including the permanent, issued 12-24-16 15:27.

No requests/report found.
STEAM_0:0:183558828    Doctor. Bazooka.

Has 4 bans including the permanent, issued 02-05-17 04:32.

September 28, 2016

December 1, 2016
This lists STEAM_0:1:184613338 as probably belonging to the same person.

February 7, 2017
STEAM_0:0:183817270    =47= david cameron

Has 2 bans including the permanent, issued 12-21-16 15:54.

September 29, 2016
STEAM_0:1:184613338    Doctor Zaius

Has 3 bans including the permanent, issued 03-05-17 15:35.

December 1, 2016
This lists STEAM_0:0:183558828 as probably belonging to the same person.
STEAM_0:0:194499291    Lol

Has 5 bans including the permanent, issued 01-21-17 10:48.

No requests/report found.
STEAM_0:0:187068206    Lisa Needs Braces

Has 3 bans including the permanent, issued 07-23-17 10:43.

July 23, 2017
This lists STEAM_0:1:194755924 as belonging to the same person.
STEAM_0:1:194755924    Much

Has 5 bans including the permanent, issued 07-23-17 10:38.

April 30, 2017

July 23, 2017
This lists STEAM_0:0:187068206 as belonging to the same person.
STEAM_0:0:211517013    Timbermoose

Has 3 bans, the current (1 month) expires on 08-20-17 15:21.

No ban requests found.
STEAM_0:0:218372671    Mimi

Has 2 bans, the last (3 weeks) expired on 07-23-17 10:17

No ban requests found.
STEAM_0:0:219790513    Sgt Smoke'Em

Has 2 bans, the current (1 month) expires on 08-18-17 15:06.

No ban requests found.

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