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Promotion Warrant




Camp Pendleton, CA


To all who shall see these presents, greetings:

Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the Patriotism, Valor, Fidelity and Abilities of


Private First Class David Moffat


I do promote this Marine to the rank of Private First Class in the United States Marine Corps to the rank as such on the 08/03/2024 04:41 PM .


This promotee is therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duties of such rank by doing and performing all manner of things there unto belonging. And I do strictly charge and require all personnel under his Command to be obedient to his orders, but he is to observe and follow such orders and directions from time to time as he shall receive from his superior officers set over him according to the rules and discipline of the United States Marine Corps.



The Command Staff

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