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Distinguished Civilian
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Forum Informer

Forum Informer (19/91)



  1. Name: Hoff Steam I.D: [U:1:52011176 Date & Time of ban: 2-3 years ago Admin who banned you: Stone Reason we should Unban: It has been a couple years since I have been banned and would like to play in the server. It is one of the only dod:s servers left that still plays smoothly. I apologize for my previous actions. I will not repeat them, and watch what I say to people to not offend them.
  2. Name: Ollhoff Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:26005588 Date & Time of ban: About a year ago Admin who banned you: Unknown Reason we should Unban: It's been over a year and would like to join the ventrillo to speak with friends who are still in the unit or go in to the ventrillo regularly. I understand if the ban stays, I was very rude and unprofessional but I know my limits and hope that I can be forgiven.
  3. Name: Ollhoff Date & Time of ban: 10/9/13 & 12:05 AM Admin who banned you: WO. A. Stone Excuse for the Unban: I was banned for calling Roussel a faggit. I have been in your pub multiple times and he instigates me all the time. He says small remarks when I have never said a word to him. Calls me a "indecent player" when the guy cant even push a positive score. Then at 12 AM of October 9th he comes into vent and starts picking at me and mutes me so he cant here what I have to say. So I said " at least he can't hear me to call him a faggit." I have not been trolling your unit I have not attacked any of your members. I come in and talk and play like the rest of your members and pubbers. I only say anything if someone comes at me first. I'm not going to go to a higher up in another unit to tell on them like a child I am going to confront you. This Banning happened in ventrillo.
  4. Ollhoff

    Quote Thread

    Kaba: This popcorn is exquisite.. Ollhoff: Yes, quite.
  5. Last Friday night...
  6. Hilarious anti Marijuana video! Laughing is a symptom of blowing marijuana...
  7. My cat!
  8. I can actually say I'm glad that I have been apart of this unit for most of the the three years. While watching this video I really saw the potential this unit really has had that I've been to blind to see, I'm sorry for any disrespect I've given to any member, any member part of the 1st MRB community and the unit itself. I've been ignoring the unit and its' activities for a long time and I'm ready to do great things for it. *Salute* -P.S.- This movie was very well made. You all have really out done yourselves in making this video. If I haven't already congratulated you for your promotions I will now, congrats to all the members who have been promoted you all deserved these promos. Parker, I've know you for a long time and I apologize for any grief I've given you over the past 3 years, you greatly deserve the promotion to Lt. Col. and have done great things for this unit.
  9. Long Haired Ollhoff!
  10. 10/10 That face is my wallpaper on my desktop!
  11. Glad I was able to help make this one before I left So Hilarious!
  12. Let the terrible Jokes Begin!
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