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Vandagriff 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Vandagriff 1st MRB

  1. Battlefield: Play4Free You should check this out if you are a fan of battlefield 2 and have played bad company 2 and battlefield: heroes. Apparently it's going to be a free online game just like BF:Heroes but with the graphics and weapons of Bad Company 2 on battlefield 2 maps! Looks like craziness!
  2. Hey guy, your an old man! Happy B-day!
  3. its weird for me. When I alt-tab, sometimes the game will work again (i.e. I hear sound and can shoot and click stuff), the problem is is that the screen itself won't go full screen again. I'll just be looking at my desktop and hear the game normally. I shoot at My Computer! But yea most of the time it works for me getting back into the game. Win-7 Pro x64
  4. Happy B-day!
  5. I think Adult Swim had picked up on The Mighty Boosh only for like within the last two years? Even though it's a bit old. Damn English and their weird since of humor. Half the time i'm spending trying to figure out what words they are using. Still good stuff though.
  6. Yea I actually play SAMP from time to time myself, but the desynchronization issues it has is just annoying so I've started playing Multi-Theft Auto more often than SAMP. I'm really looking forward to APB, have applied for a beta key but they ignoring me I presume. The game is scheduled to come out late June but we will see how that works out. So much for the Open Beta they were talking about.
  7. Best song of the 80's by far. It's not rick rolled if you saw it coming
  8. L4D,L4D2, and Killing Floor
  9. It's a good series, and I can't wait for the 3rd. I managed to save everyone on the suicide mission, as crazy as it was. I pretty much went full paragon, although the game forces you to get some renegade points. Although I laugh at some of the renegade choices you make, I just keep going back to the Para side. Oh well.
  10. I got a whole lot of sleep is what I got. Slept till 4pm Sunday!
  11. No worries Tamara, you along with the others have been a great help for this project . Thanks for the input!
  12. Your info is very helpful KissMeQuick . In reference to question number 8, what I'm basically is asking is to compare your own healthcare system to our own here in the U.S. and then decide which healthcare system you would prefer to be under, and why you would want to be under that healthcare system. In the U.S. we did not have any government provided healthcare whatsoever before the recent healthcare bill was passed. It was either provided by employers or purchased by the individuals themselves directly from insurance agencies. Although if anyone wants to correct me they can, but i'm pretty sure I've covered the jist of it.
  13. Thanks for all the input guys. I'll be using you as sources for my project, with your permissions of course, to basically discuss health care in countries outside of the U.S. and compare them to developing countries. Please keep the info coming for anyone who hasn't responded that feels they have something they can add. This is a great help and I appreciate those who put the time in to help me out. *Salute*
  14. Your good, this is meant more for people who are from countries outside of the U.S., such as Parker and Collazo, who are from Canada and Collazo is currently living in Belgium I believe or some country nearby. Hopefully I can get some input from them but if any of you have family or relatives that could answer these questions then that would be a great help. Basically I just need input from people not living in the US currently
  15. Bump, someone hear surely can help a fellow out right?
  16. Ok what I have here is a series of questions that I'm using to help with a research project for environmental science. In light of the health care bill that just passed in the US recently, my partners and I have decided to ask people from foreign countries about their own health care system and what they think of the US's old and new system. I will list the questions in which I would prefer you answer as best as you can, and then after the final question feel free to leave any personal input you may have that my general questions did not cover. *REMEMBER* This is for people who live in other countries, because we need this data to help with our research. I know some of you are from Canada and other countries as well. So NO US input please! The questions are as follows: 1. What, do you think about your country's healthcare system is adequate or inadequate? 2. In your own personal opinion, what changes could be made in order to make healthcare in your home country more efficient for the people who live there? 3. Should healthcare be provided by the government or by an employer and why so? 4. What do you think healthcare should provide or incompass? 5. How long does it usually take for a patient to see the doctor? 6. How is healthcare and services allocated in your own country? (I.E. first-come-first-serve basis or by emergency of situation) 7. By transportation, how long does it take for you specifially to arrive at the nearest doctors office? Is this inconvient for certain emergencies or is it reasonable? 8. Taking into consideration the healthcare system in the U.S. pre-Healthcare Bill passing, which system would you prefer to have, your own country or the U.S.? Why do you favor this system as compared to the one you didn't choose? 9. Did the doctor meet all your needs or were you referred to see a specialist? 10. If you were referred to a specialist, how long did it take you to travel to this specialist? Any Personal Input not already put in the questions can be posted as a follow-up: Thanks for those who can help, this will greatly aid our project!
  17. I was part of a Condition Zero (Counter-Strike) Clan for about 3-4 years that I believe at one time had up to 40(I think, maybe only 30) members at one time. So it's quite exciting to be around 100 other people who get together to play and help to build the family.
  18. WHAT???? ASSHOLES DON'T GET BIRTHDAYS!!! Here's to another year of living! *Chugs Beer*
  19. Not too shabby id say
  20. The upgrade process is to add re playability so people don't play the game one time through and throw it away. They want to see multiple hours or more of gameplay.
  21. There was a public beta released before the game actually came out, it may still be active for demo use. Check out fileplanet.com for it or whatever file hosting site you use.
  22. In game name: raidenandsolid I and many others play, we could get a nice team of friendlies playing maybe.
  23. You don't get birthdays around here guy! Hey guy! Happy Birthday guy! Yea Guy!
  24. I only got 3 votes? What a bunch of..... tards you are At least I voted for me. !!!!!!!!!
  25. Ive played the beta and liked it. I'll let you know when I pick up a copy of it. PSN: ryden85
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