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Ford 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Ford 1st MRB

  1. I'm going to grow my hair like that one of these days. First I need to stop caring completely about what people think about me though.
  2. It showed the good and bad of both of them, really was an entertaining watch.
  3. Not sure how many of you caught the premier last night on the History Channel but it was pretty good. They talked about Vanderbilt and Rockefeller. It re-aires on Saturday I believe.
  4. Read my edit, it should help clear this up for you.
  5. I've never noted a person making a polite comment while grimacing and nodding is disdain, then again, I'm only 32, maybe if I lived another thousand years I can witness it. Shrug. I mean seriously, at this point you're just arguing semantics. The comment, whatever she said, has little to nothing to do with the fact that Obama is and will remain, a below average president. I don't care what facts, numbers, blog posts you shove at me, it doesn't change my opinion. Please re-read my post, the little disclaimer I put at the top of it.
  6. And that link proves what to me exactly? That some blogger at the Tampa Bay Times disagrees with me? Good for him.
  7. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/36/301
  8. *DISCLAIMER* This is all my opinion, not backed by facts, but my own logical reasoning. Why I feel Obama is bad for our country. Where do I begin? Fingerpointing.... Let's start there. When Bill Clinton took office, we were ending a war with Iraq. The unemployment rates were high, not high by todays standards, but high nonetheless. Did he blame Bush or did he fix the problem? He lowered the unemployment rates, created millions of jobs, stimulated the economy, and did it all while banging anything with two legs that walked in his office. What he didn't do was blame his failures on Republicans, and yes, he also had a minority house while he was in office. Obama has blamed blamed blamed everyone who is a republican, even though he had a majority house when he took office. Sure the economy was on a downward trend when he took office, did he fix it or is it worse now than it was 4 years ago? I think common sense answers that. Unemployement rates are higher than ever in history, we are in debt so far my great great great grandchildren will be paying for it, yet we threw billions at failing companies, failed green energy programs, and "Obamacare". If you honestly think this is all because of George Bush? I'm a democrat and I can honestly tell you, you need to get out of the gene pool if that is your logical thought process. Did Bush screw up? Of course he did, but no worse than Carter, Nixon, Ford, or Johnson to name a few. Finger pointing aside, he is a very poor American in general. I don't mean the birth certificate bs, or the fact his parents aren't both American, I simply mean he doesn't represent to me what an American President should behave like. I posted the Picture of him not crossing his heart during the national anthem. He has done that on more than one occasion, as well as during the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. It's a damn pledge to be allegiant to our flag and what it stands for. Loyalty to our country. Freedom from tyranny, freedom from oppression, freedom on it's own. Millions of American men and women have fought and died for that flag and he doesn't have the patriotism to show respect to it? To Quote him, "I don't see the point in it." I won't even get into his wife and the famous "All this for a flag" comment during his inauguration. I seriously get angry just thinking about this. My Father, both grandfathers, uncles, cousins, a nephew, two aunts, and a brother have all gone to war for this country. He has ruined our foreign policies with countless nations, and that actually is a fact, google it. Is Mitt Romney the answer to all these problems? Probably not, but I refuse to give this talking pair of clown shoes four more years to dig our country into an even deeper hole than we are currently sinking in. Just listen to him the next time you hear him give a speech, actually listen to him. And remember, this is coming from a democrat. Maybe I'll start writing in Bill Clinton as my vote.... I am more than willing to debate any of your opinions on this matter, these again were just my personal feelings on Obama as a man and a president.
  9. I would love to. I'm on my phone at work right now but when i get home I will elaborate.
  10. Lol. What may surprise you is 99% of the time I vote democratic, but there it's something inherently wrong with Obama and everything he stands for. I will once again vote republican this year.
  11. I was referring to the person who put up that website, not you, relax cupcake. No need for fact checkers, he has done so on several occasions, that picture just epitomizes the point. He did in fact raise his hand, about 15 second into the national anthem, no doubt after someone whispered in his earpiece he probably should.
  12. It looks like the democratic scare tactics worked already on one person. I don't need fact checkers, plans, or even agendas to know that this: Is not the person I want leading my country.
  13. Happy birthday Goodwin!
  14. Jimmy Page Chuck Berry Eddie Van Halen Keith Richards Tom Morello All time: Hendricks Page BB King Chuck Barry Duane Allman
  15. DoD - Hill DoD:S - Flash
  16. You mean this is not an accurate map?
  17. Gayngsta redneck is more like it... It's a song to dedicated his cousin/brother/lover.
  18. The ticking is the sound of your hard drive not spooling up. I had the same issue with one of mine. I would recommend copying whatever you want to save off of it while you have it booted up, because it will fail soon. Mine towards the end wouldn't boot if I turned my pc off and tried to turn it back on. I would have to let it sit for a few hours sometimes before it would reboot, of it rebooted at all that is. Mine was a western digital 1tb caviar black. I'm not sure what brand you have, but it sounds like the exact same issue. A really hard clicking, almost like someone flicking a light switch on and off.
  19. Weathadonnnnnnnnn!!!!!! I love you....
  20. I think apple screwed the pooch with the iphone 5. A new adapter, which you have to buy separately? Anything to make money I guess. True the os is better and the retina display is okay, to small of a screen to notice much of a change from the screen on the 4. Yes I have seen them side by side. I'll stick with my gs3. Better customization, bigger screen, expandable memory, pretty fast processor. I do have the new iPad and a macbook so I'm not knocking apple products, just wasn't impressed with the 5. Maybe I dont have enough wool.
  21. So I'm hoping I'm leveled out on my zerker by october 18th. That is when the new character is released, the Mechromancer, a female character named Gaige. She has a floating robot pet named death trap, which I assume is akin to clap trap.
  22. Add to that the 1730 shield cap I get from my class mod and the +31% shield recharge rate. When you add in the additional 5.2% shield cap from my badass stats as well, it's closer to 7500, with a recharge rate of 1345. The best thing is the nova blast though, it ticks for 6500 fire dmg every second until the shields recharge. I'm pretty sure it kills just as much stuff as i do with my guns lol.
  23. I got the bad touch as well. Also got this today:
  24. So apparently if you to tip Moxxi, somewhere between 15 and 20k, she gives you a nice purple smg. I was tipping her trying to get a trophy for the ps3 and she said something like here take this gun at around 16k in tips.
  25. Thanks Kirk. Btw, new season premiers october 3rd!!! Can't wait!
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