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Ford 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Ford 1st MRB

  1. Got a bit more done over the weekend. I added a 7 story apartment looking building at the back of the rocket range that can serve multiple purposes. Long distance nade accuracy, sniper mos, long distance rocket accuracy, sleeping quarters for homeless people, the possibilities are endless! Completed so far: Rifle MOS course. Can also be used for sniper and mg MOS if needed. Nade Range. Added hand grenades as was requested, and a pretty hot french medic Building Clearing. Opened up some new routes through the building, it's nice! Rifle Range. General layout. Smaller than before, less trees, more FPS. Mg MOS course layout. I hope you like the new and improved design Magoo. Sniper MOS layout. I scraped the old one and decided to go a different route. The Pit (auto MOS course) layout. This is going to be fun! Pistol Range. Janke asked me to keep this in, so it is still there. To do list: Finish sniper targeting system. Finish mg target and scoring system. Finish The Pit, targets and scoring. Finish the rocket section, just minor cosmetics. (this is Wingate's layout for what he wanted) 3D Skybox. Minimap. On a side note, I logged into the pub today for the first time in a year. Sadly, I was on a MacBook with no mouse or headset. Shooting people with a trackpad is fun!
  2. http://www.gamefront.com/black-mesa-is-liv...wnload-it-here/
  3. I think you are just watching a very good group of players, with awesome reaction times and great headphones.
  4. It's nothing like Rifle MOS, or any MOS for that matter, it's just a fun event idea. Here's what I thought about since I posted this thread earlier. Expedition: This would be a fairly simple event to get up and running. The map itself would take me maybe 30 minutes to make since it is essentially an empty box with a ground and sky texture. I could make it in Terrain Generator. Instead of putting all the challenges in from the get go, each week the cartographers would only make two challenges; the Immunity and Elimination challenge. This would add a "surprise" element to each week and wouldn't allow anyone to practice the challenge beforehand. Since the challenges are not a full map, they shouldn't take more than a few hours to make each, a day at the most, so they wouldn't be a huge workload on the guys making them. They would be added to the map and uploaded to the server the day of or the day before the challenge. The map could just be renamed each week, TopShot Week 1, TopShot Week 2, etc... Teams: Teams can be decided when and if there is a large number of interested people. The number of teams and size of each team can be hammered out after a sign-ups sort of thing happens. Event: It could be a weekly event, the same day and time each week. The number of weeks would be determined by the number of players on each team. Each week, the weapon would be the same for both the Immunity and Elimination challenges. So for example, Week 1 would be Garand, Week 2: Thompson, etc.. If there are more than two teams, the teams that do not win Immunity, must all nominate players for the Elimination challenge. This would help keep the total number of weeks down to a minimum. I realize, having an event of this size is a big undertaking, with lots of people to depend on for it to happen each week. It would require: The challenges being made each week and added to the map. The map being uploaded each week. (It shouldn't be a very large file) Someone to run the event. A Colby Donaldson if you will. People actually showing up each week. Having to deal with the fact your team might put you up on the elimination block and having no hard feelings about it. This is a fun event and if you suck at a challenge, you deserve to be eliminated. That all being said, I think this would be a very fun event, and everyone would have a blast.
  5. So I know a lot of you, like myself, are fans of the show Topshot on the History channel. I was watching the other day and realized how easy it would be to make almost all of the challenges on the show in hammer editor. You could literally make 90% of the obstacles that have ever ben on the show, fully functional, and put them into one map. To carry this idea even further, you could hold a topshot event, like on the show with teams, immunity challenges, and eliminations with one eventual winner. The winner could win: no weapon restrictions, instant promotion, steam gift card, etc... I think this would be am awesome project that could be done relatively simple by the cartographers office. People could work on challenges, make them a prefab, upload them, and one person could load all of them into one map. Thoughts?
  6. Who's getting it/pre-ordered it? I'm trying to decide on the pc or ps3 version. If a lot of you are planing on playing I might go pc version. BTW.... It comes out in a week!!!!!
  7. Here is the original thread for those interested: http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...=11270&st=0
  8. Well as I said, there is no exact time frame for completion. As many of you already know, I started this about a year ago. I just turned my pc on for the first time in 7 months yesterday so I'm hoping this is a step towards completion. There is a thread somewhere on here I started when I began working on the map but I didn't feel like looking for it. It shows the progress I had before I went on hiatus.
  9. So today I pulled the pc out of the closet, much to the chagrin of the old lady, and did a little work to the bct map. I opened up a few walls in the building clearing section, giving the attacking team more than one route through the building, which should make things a tad more interesting. On top of that, I started work on the assault mos course. For those of you with experience playing mw1, it may appear familiar. I am copying "the pit" from the first mission where you run the course shooting enemies while avoiding the civilians. There is also a timer that starts when you enter the course and ends when you complete it. Still trying to figure out a scoring system I can implement into it. Other than that, just a few minor changes were made today. Given that I am on a very limited window of time I can work on the map, I won't give a time frame for it's completion, but It is back under construction, so that is a step in the right direction. More to come soon.
  10. Yeah there is an android app, I'm pretty sure its called ventriloid, if I remember correctly.
  11. You know hes dead right? I thought he was funny, a little too anti-religious for my taste though. For my money, you can't beat Loius C. K.
  12. Engle uses that on all his"johns".
  13. Yes, it's only on the ps3.
  14. Why the comparison of Fox and MSNBC? If you wanted a fair comparison on how slanted the media outlets are, you would be comparing Fox with CNN. Fox is owned by Republicans who refuse to allow anything that doesn't agree with their point of view to be aired, as does CNN, which is owned by Democrats. To say Fox's point of view is how all Republicans think is absurd, from anyone. Before you go thinking I'm republican, I'm not. I don't like Obama either, I think he is the beginning of the downfall of our democracy. A President of the United States that shows no respect for our flag that hundreds of thousands of american soldiers have died for? Get the fuck out of here if you honestly think HE is the best choice for the leader of our country. Yes we can!!!
  15. In game for the beta, it has a mock corporation you are working for. In the full game, corporations in eve will hire mercenaries (dust players), to help them take over planets for the resources. I'm not sure when our how this will all take place, but right now you can also just free lance and join any battle in progress to earn xp and isk.
  16. That thing is a beast!
  17. Been playing for an hour or so. It's like Battefield meets Halo, set in the eve universe, with sp, isk (eve currency), and a very extensive upgrade system. So far so good. What I've noticed so far: Skills - After each battle, you earn skill points based on your k/d ratio, number of kills, area caps, etc etc. Like in Eve Online, there are skill books you can purchase from the in game market for pretty much anything pertaining to the game. A skill book for every weapon, grenade, vehicle, dropsuit, etc etc. Unlike Eve however, you don't set a skill to train and wait. You use your skill point for upgrades. Market - The market is almost identical to Eve Online. Like sp, you earn isk after every battle based on your performance. Use this isk to purchase a mutlitude of upgrades, weapons, weapon add ons, etc etc.. Gameplay - Top notch (for a beta). A few of the guys behind the game are former Battlefield designers, so it definitely has the BF feel to it. It also has that Halo feeling being that it is set in the future. All in all the combat systems, that I have used at least, are done well. The weapons are unlike any I have used in other games. Im a member of the Gallente Race, and their focus is on blaster based weaponry. It's fun to launch a plasma rocket across the map and watch the explosions. Maps - Not sure how many different maps there will be. The ones I have played so far are very different from each other. It is based on being on different planets through the Eve universe, so I'mm sure there will be many different maps for the full game. I like it. It may not be a game for everyone, but if you have the ps3, and are a playstation plus member, the closed beta is free to join.
  18. Got into the closed beta today on the ps3. This game is gonna keep me busy for a while. It's the EvE Online universe, from the ground point of view. What happens in the air, effects what is going on down on the planets and vice versa. Gonna be sweet. Instead of choosing a class, like sniper, assault, etc.. you choose your load-out. Similar to a ships load-out on Eve Online. I haven't gotten to in depth with it yet, but it has the feeling of EvE, with all the upgrades, weapons, ammo, different races to choose from, only wrapped into and FPS. For those of you with a ps3, get it, play it with me! Vertices01 is my username.
  19. Did it save a .vmx file?
  20. What does the error log say? Whenever hammer crashes it should automatically save the file as a different name. The auto save file should be .vmx if I remember correctly, instead of the normal .vmf file.
  21. Btw, if you see me login to steam, it's not me, it's Joona (vivid), so feel free to harass her. She is using my account to play CoH.
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