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Ford 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Ford 1st MRB

  1. So I got back from North Carolina last night, which sucks. We had a blast up there. We were staying on an island just off of Surf City called North Topsail Island. Nothing but rich people and some of the hottest chicks I have seen in a long time there. I'll just post the links to the pics since the damn forums never show pictures correctly. Our beach behind the house. Our House Our House again Our Neighbors House I'm rockin the fake moustache The relaxing area I took alot more pictures but 1.) I don't feel like linking them 2.) you probably don't feel like looking at them. I did have sex with a moose though and rode a horse. Moose Horse It was a lot of fun and I plan on going back again soon.
  2. Simple. 1.) Find a picture. 2.) Make-up a funny caption. 3.) Laugh You can re-use other people's pics if you think your caption is funnier. I'll start this off. "If you kids don't stop crying, I swear I'll turn this car around!"
  3. Yo ho ho and a bottle of Rum!!!!
  4. Germany (26) United States (62) Canada (56) Norway (46) Italy (12) Russia (15)
  5. Ford 1st MRB


  6. My Laptop: My PC is a tad bit better: Antec 900 case eVga 780i motherboard Intel E8600 processor 8 gigs Corsair DDR2 800 2 eVga 8800gts video cards WD Raptor 150GB hard drive 2 WD Caviar 500GB hard drives PC Power and Cooling 1000W Power Supply Lite On Litescribe DVD RW drive - hopefully a blue ray drive soon. Acer 22" monitor I need to upgrade my video cards and my processor, but it still runs like a champ.
  7. Yeah, she did an amazing job on this pack. I was using all default shit but she convinced me to try it and I gotta say, it's actually pretty damn sweet. Thanks for sharing Hardin!
  8. Germany (27) United States (53) Canada (55) Norway (42) Japan (6) Italy (15) Russia (19)
  9. Ford 1st MRB

    Swine flu

    Parker would know, he's mexican
  10. But you are so fat that the wing to body ratio would be so fucked up, you would look like a paper airplane made in a first grade class at the school for the deaf blind and retarded. I wish I knew how to make edible play-doh.
  11. Bud Light is what I drink normally but my favorite is a beer I found when I used to live in New Mexico called Fat Tire. It's brewed in Colorado and is only sold west of the Mississippi River. That shit is the bomb.
  12. Germany (30) United States (39) Canada (37) Norway (30) Japan (10) China (18) Italy (20) Russia (33)
  13. I wish that guy was my neighbor.
  14. I thought asians where good at math. Or is that just a stereotype?
  15. Chicken Bone!!! Chicken Bone!!!
  16. But you realized the last time you did that your dick sucking skills only earned you 347 pesos and a really bad case of herpes. I wish people would stop trying to have gay sex with me in bathrooms when I am drunk and naked on the floor.
  17. Here is what I look like now.... I'm not sure if I like it yet, might take some getting used to.
  18. Ford 1st MRB

    Swine flu

    So I guess pigs CAN fly....
  19. But the viruses you have can't be cured by Norton Anti Virus, medicine can't even fix them. I wish I was queer, so I could get chicks.
  20. It's inhabited by pigmies who are really into anal, only their version of anal involves spears and fire ants. I wish I could start my own business and retire before I'm 40.
  21. Never Done It. Went surfing and snowboarding in the same day. Southern Cali is amazing for that fact, Big Bear is 2 and a half hours from the beach. Good times man.
  22. Never done it. I released 5,000 crickets in the high school gym for senior prank week. only cost me 100 bucks and it was worth every penny.
  23. South Park Family Guy The Office Flight of the Conchords Arrested Development ATHF Robot Chicken Squidbillies Rescue Me
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