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Ford 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Ford 1st MRB

  1. Hey guys, Just a suggestion but could you implement a custom map into the map rotation that could be voted on through a poll and changed out every 2 weeks/month? The map rotation gets a little stale and I think this would help. Other map suggestions that aren't on the pub: dod_forza (amazing realism map) dod_kolsch dod_horizon dod_edelweiss Thanks!
  2. Name: Calliou Steam I.D:## 1:162233866 Reasons for the Ban: Continous TK in spawn Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Screenshot He's the one who is -17.
  3. But he probably saw them as a weakness and removed them. This dude is unreal...
  4. One of the greatest albums from start to finish ever produced.
  5. Father vs. Daughter beatbox battle:
  6. What the hell is that smell in here...

  7. I was dying at that part, the look on her face, and he goes right back to watching tv.
  8. It is the dafuq thread, i accepted the challenge.
  9. It's not practical in any sense of the word. The head of the project said in the second video, if he knew before the project what the outcome would be, he wouldn't have started it. It doesn't work without the electromagnetic rails and installing them everywhere doesn't make sense. They did prove however it can be done, and the method could be practical for other uses, just not hoverboards. It's still cool regardless.
  10. The good stuff: The smart stuff:
  11. Coming soon Quarterman!
  12. That statement is included, almost verbatim, in Apple's User Agreement as well. Gotta love the internet, fear-mongering at it's finest!
  13. /happy birthday Yama!
  14. Ford i am using Windows 8 so i do know how it works and i do know you can make it a lot like Windows 7. However i would still prefer Windows 7 over 8 at any time but again thats just me we all prefer different things that part of life if everyone was the same it would be boring. When it comes to Windows 10 you are absolutely right it is gonna be great as i wrote in the top i am really looking forward to getting started with it. But as Hill says everything got their start up problems thats just how it is. But in 2 or 3 weeks when most of the bugs are gone. I will be all over Windows 10 myself it looks awesome and with all these new and great features. But you are right the version out today is not bad at all personally i am just gonna wait till they fix the worst bugs. Microsoft has been using the public as beta testers for every operating system they have created since Windows 3.1. The only difference now is, they aren't charging us to beta test 10 for them. Said by no one, ever. It was hypothetical, you get my point.
  15. I will never understand the resentment people have to change when it comes to windows operating systems. "I don't like windows Vista, I'm sticking with xp". "Windows 7 sucks, I'll keep Vista" etc etc... what is the issue with windows 8? The live tiles? You can set your desktop as the start screen, it's in the options. Miss your start menu? Press the windows key and s to search both your pc and the Internet for whatever you're looking for. There is nothing in windows 8 that will break your computer, I promise. In the words of Lewis Black, "it's okay my little snowflakes". Windows 8 is great, a much needed improvement over windows 7 in terms of reliability and user friendliness, it's a shame it gets knocked constantly by people who've never taken the time to try it. I've had an insider version of windows 10 for about a month now, which I got from my operating systems professor at school. So far it's been great, a few bugs as to be expected from any beta, but I love the looks and feel of it as a whole. As always, there will be people standing on the other side of the fence judging it without ever even trying it out though.
  16. I get off work at 8:30est, if you're still around I'd like to check it out!
  17. Happy Birthday Gmoney, although you may not see this... GMoney: Last Seen: 14th December 2010 - 12:25 AM
  18. The first one.
  19. http://agar.io/ A browser based game where you are a blob of goo, and the point is to try and become the largest blob by eating other players and the random dots on the map. It's pretty addictive. The main server is FFA (free for all) but there are team servers and party servers, haven't figured those out yet. My best score so far: You control yourself by just moving your mouse. Spacebar splits your mass in half in the direction you are facing to try and eat the player in front of you. W spits out a small piece of mass, useful to gain speed on someone you are chasing, you get exponentially slower as you get larger.
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