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J. Clark

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About J. Clark

  • Birthday 09/29/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    beaver PA *PA's butthole*
  • Interests
    doing anything

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  1. J. Clark


    cant say i have i like arena and ctf
  2. J. Clark


    hey its been awhile sense ive posted on here or played dods for that matter but if youve noticed i play tf2 now and i wanted to know if any of my unit friends would like to play some time:D
  3. i dont know if youll like any of them but this is were i get my watches http://shop.ccs.com/accessories.guys.watches/category/
  4. i would toss that turkeys salad ..... HAPPY THANKSGIVING 1st MRB
  5. damn jones tell your wife i said whats up^^ im just kidding, so i finally get to the face of the audio chocolate supplier
  6. http://www.brewdog.com/blog-article.php?id=251 i wanna get a case of these the strongest beer out there http://leinie.com/av.html and some leinenkugels they taste sooo good
  7. thank you gooder:)
  8. no cayen its not lol when some kid gets bullied at church somthings wrong
  9. so i was walking to the store this morning to get the newspaper and to get a monster . and a kid i know who was walking back from youth group , he tolled me that they played a prank on a "Nerd" by making a fake flyer saying wizard weekend and the kid came to the youth group dressed as a wizard and was made fun of. i think thats messed up seeing how its a church function and god is supposed to be ever loving but thats not the case they went out of theyre way to mess with this kid and probally ruined hes weekend thanks jesus lovers for making fun of a kid who didnt deserve any of it
  10. haha i was pretty baked while watching this thats why i got into a big thinking buisness
  11. http://www.hulu.com/watch/178899/visioneers this movie like made me think and it was just crazy take a look at it
  12. if only i had a credit card
  13. after i get my game i will never step foot in there again :b
  14. i had one mcdowell like last year im pretty sure it exspired and the to re new it is 14 dollars so i would have been out more cash
  15. i just went up there and traded 5 games cod mw2 cod waw skate 2 l4d and border lands i was trying to get fallout new vegas but no the cheap fucks gave me 43 dollars 10 dollars short of what i needed !!!!!
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