so its like 2:40 in the morning right now but i decieded to turn in at 2:20 you wanna know why im still up becuase after turning my comp off and cleaning off my desk i blew out the candle that was covering the smell of my weed burning then when i went to move the candle to the back of my desk it splashed liquid wax all over my laptops keyboard well just the num pad but still ive been up for the last 20 mins scratching and wiping off as much of the hardened wax as i can its still in alot of places such as under all the keys of my num pad im rather pissed off about this because i use my num pad for pretty much all my passwords and what not now that its hard to push down keys im gonna have to get use to the number keys above my letters any tips on how to remove this shitty wax? im gonna have to buy some insence after this