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J. Clark

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Everything posted by J. Clark

  1. i remember when rap music was my buisness and i made fun of kids who liked the music that i like today everytime i think back on those days i fell bad
  2. uhh what
  3. congrats buddy, lay off the coke youll sleep better <3
  4. what kind of filth does that to a woman
  5. haha i wanna say somthing but then i would feel like an ass because ive never said a word to her and ness im sorry for bringing dyslexics down :b
  6. shocker shes african american
  7. "Mann peoplee iis DUMB as all hell dees daay;s.!! ; iddk eveen kno wuh to do wiit yu ne moree kiidd.! Yu wuhs derr, yu wuhs..now..aha; yu deead to me, juss got real irritateed.! texxt i guess.!" ~ some chick from my facebook i hate when people talk like this but its just so funny that shes saying people are dumb as all hell deeS daay;s when she's typing like a dyslexic
  8. juggilos act tough in groups but if you single one out and confront him on some shit he'll act like a lil bitch i was a show and some juggilos were there talking shit i said somthing to one of them and they got all hard but when i was outside smoking a cig and one of them came he didnt say shit wouldnt even make eye contact
  9. how about icp sucks and always did, juggalos are gross people no offence to you clown mofos but seriously get real
  10. Snes: kirby mario donkey kong Sega: golden axe B.O.B street fighter 2 streets of rage vector man vector man 2 sonic 2 sonic and knuckles sonic 3D Earth worm jim Arcade machine Mrs. Pacman metal slug X Play station bushido blade 2 metal of honor final fantasy vii metal gear solid GTA 2 play station 2 metal gear solid 2 metal gear solid snake eater [fastest time beating it was 4 hours] GTA 3 GTA vice city GTA san andreas hitman blood money PSP twisted metal tony hawks world tour SOCAM navy seals GTA liberty city stories Nintendo DS Mario 64 metriod new super mario bros mario cart xbox 360 halo 3 gears of war gears of war 2 call of duty 2 call of duty 4 call of duty WAW call of duty modern warfare 2 Fall out 3 castle crashers N+ Doom PC half life half life shift blue half life opposing forces half life 2 half life 2 episode 1 half life 2 episode 2 counter strike 1.6 counter strike source team fortress classic battle field 2 battle field 2 special forces doom 2 Team fortress 2 day of defeat source "DUHHHH" day of defeat sniper elite rambo six vegas 2 torch light wolfenstien 3d zeno clash l4d l4d2 plants vs zombies portal elder scrolls oblivon borderlands everyday shooter audio surf Aliens versus predators Killing floor and so many more i cant remember them all
  11. i had a good laugh its funny because its true
  12. im getting my family crest on the back of my arms later this year ill be sure to post if this topic is still around
  13. im part canadian what do i do haha
  14. heres mine all cluttered
  15. lesnar is gonna use those lunchbox hands an pummel carwin. lesnar got this
  16. thats so 1 episode ago it was all about spys this week
  17. cia whooped the kgb tonight just watched it =]
  18. janke you look like a regular joe now congrats
  19. zahls a better looking pornstar no offense and no homo
  20. our earth is bleeding =*[
  21. damn berg
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