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J. Clark

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Everything posted by J. Clark

  1. you look like Daniel Tosh
  2. Parker your dog tags still say captain

  3. haha the cardinals can eat a dick oh and fuck soccer
  4. im saying the Pittsburgh Steelers
  5. mite of been hpnotiq
  6. its true, parker remember that time we got really drunk ?
  7. hello my name is james clark and im an alcholic
  8. that is good but its better when its hennessey and coke also vodka cranberry hennessey and hpnotiq witch makes a green drink known as the hulk!
  9. i know right
  10. i tolled the whitch doctor i was in love with you i tolled the whitch doctor i was in love with you then the witch doctor he tolled me what to do he said ewww eeee ohhhh a a ting tang watta watta bing bang
  11. miller high life all the way stones or beatles ?
  12. i woke up naked with a dead deer besides me with its throat ripped out =/ it was awkward talking to the cops
  13. J. Clark

    ufc 113

    josh koscheck pretty muched asked GSP to woop is hes ass but he did mention the penguins
  14. J. Clark

    ufc 113

    who watched it?
  15. best buy is running a few tests to see if they can fix the overheating there if they cant then it goes to the company and i dont shoot my load onto the computer i aim for the webcam =D
  16. yeah i bought insurance on it that covers overheating and silly mishaps im going to bestbuy later today so i should be happy fraggin soon
  17. stop being a bum cut your hair shave your beard and get a job
  18. ok i bought a gaming laptop about the same time i joined the unit it was great during winter then i had an incident were it feel from the roof of my friends car it was still working fine but it mite have damaged it but it still runs fine but now that the warm weather is coming out its been running so shitty i usally get 60-70 fps on any map now if i play in the server for 30 mins it drops down to 30 fps im sure its overheating i wanna take it back to best buy and see if they can replace it or do somthing with it does anyone have some input that can help
  19. anchorman please we need a new movie up here
  20. alot of cool shit in here =D
  21. i wanna be in it =D
  22. mcCaskill you need to calm down
  23. i like turtles
  24. J. Clark


    thank jesus that Pittsburgh has the steelers and the penguins
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