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Everything posted by Secon

  1. I was pubbing in a orange server today, and a fragdods team leaders saw me doing very well and asked if i wanted to join his team as a rifle i said i would if im allowed, so here i am is it alright if i join it and put the tags on only when im in their server?
  2. well 21+ my ass my dad lets me drink and get high with him lol so my fav is budweiser
  3. lol she actually stole it all lol its the wile cyotes visual upgrade for dods.....lol
  4. thx For sharing that kirk just wanted to know what the hell was going on
  5. ok well when i entered the server today i saw some wierd shit first of all the Marine Raiders were 1 of a kind, atleast i thought so anyways there was a 2nd MRB capt in our server this morning and i said isnt there only 1 MRB and he said you guys are 1st Batallion and were 2nd i said to him thats a little odd but sure and he had the same avatars as us except with a big capt sign over it heres the screenshot
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