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Zahl 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Zahl 1st MRB

  • Birthday 11/23/1980

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  • Interests
    Guitar/music, paintball, video gaming!

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  1. Har blitt kun pølser til nå mmmmm lol Cvosd kxbk opgnwkn cvonapfna pooscx sdfksdflk mmmmmmmm haha! omfg Parker. did you really just say that? DROP YO PANTS
  2. Happy birthday! Gratulerer med dagen. Jeg har spist softis og rullekake! mmmmmm!
  3. Just realized Branem already made a post. this post can now be turned into a post where everyone discuss their penis length. Takk det samme Lystad
  5. Happy birthday Magoo, best wishes
  6. LOL, arent that item used for inserting semen into a vagina?
  7. Instead of slapping her, he should have sent her to the kitchen and made him a fucking sandwich!
  8. I cannot wait untill they implement Dark Brotherhood. Its the creme de la creme of all the Elder Scrolls games!
  9. What you don't know Wells is that in my other consciousness im a fat 40 year old virgin with a penis that look like a twig that has been chewed on by a dog for 20 years.. Be my guest!
  10. I find this a tad hard to believe, but what about physics isn't difficult to perceive. The fact of a multiuniverse has been a well known theory for ages. It even dates further back than this article says, in Roman time they started experimenting with multiverse as a theory for how the world is working. But for the fact that we have a consciousness that dwells in another another universe, meeeh.. What is consciousness made of? Can the theory of an everlasting consciousness be valid if we look at evolution and how animals have changed throughout time, or is consciousness just something universal for all animals and entities. I just don't hope this gives those crazy religious people a last hill top to fight off atheist But definately an interesting thought, cant wait untill some 20 years passes when we know more about the universe and ourselves!
  11. This game looks just pure awesome! Watching streams on Twitch just to see how the PVP are, and it looks amazing. But that doesnt matter if the game sucks in the late stages and the in the final lvl area. Just look at Age of Conan, Rift, starwars etc. They all were awesome in the early lvls, especially Conan. I dont think ive ever played a better game, not even a singleplayer game that would match the early lvls at Tortage(beginner island). But after you got to lvl 40 it started to suck, few quests and there wanst even endgame raids implemented. Hopefully this game will be better
  12. American youth is in serious trouble...
  13. You need to get laid....
  14. I would like to meet your penis... jk..
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