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About Vogt

  • Birthday 02/15/1990

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    Central, Ohio
  • Interests
    USAF, Firearms, Swords, Knives, Self-Defense, Beef Stew, Chili, Ramen, Japanese Curry, Pocky, Hunting, Fishing, Engineering, Mechanics, Construction, Web Design, Graphic Design and Music.

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  1. Haha. And I want to get into Intel for the Air Force. Damn.
  2. Honestly I'd like to quote everything in this thread that mentions stereotypes and judging, but what I do have quoted is what made me want to reply, because I thought to myself, "OH HOLY SHIT." More or less, it's more about not being sociably acceptable. I don't have a problem with it, but for the working class people (not saying you don't work) and the public it isn't okay. So if you came to my place of business and you were looking for a job, I would instantly turn you down without any hesitation. The reason for this is because you most likely would be in the public eye, and your appearance would be bad for business. I would probably hire you if I owned or managed a Hot Topic, Spencers, or some tattoo/piercing shop, but other than that... no. The look and expression you have embraced is only disliked because of what is associated with it. (blah blah blah insert your MLK quotes of equality and judgment here for a counter) The thing is you know you do the same thing, you see a guy who looks like a gang-banger you're instantly going to start judging the guy, for example, "Does this joker have a gun," "This guy is nothing but a dirty criminal." Could be some examples. Stereotyping and judging people is more or less a survival instinct, it's an awareness of who is around you and who they really are. If I saw some mofo come into a gas station with a hoodie on during the summer time, and wearing sunglasses when it's 9 o'clock at night, I'm going to think that some shit is about to go down. Other than that, I think you might grow out of it sooner or later, it just takes life and realizing it's hard to just live on minimum-wage to smack you in the face to realize something needs to change.
  3. Why use Guile's music though? Even though it can go with everything.
  4. Didn't he just own the Yankees, and that's it? I don't know about him having any kind of baseball career.
  6. Sounds like an heart attack.
  7. I have a feeling no one is getting the Silence of the Lambs reference... Woe is me.
  8. Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard.
  9. You fucking cock smooch. =.=
  10. I'm not yelling at him for reporting me, I commend him for that. I don't expect him to know who I am. I just don't like how when a TK'er comes in some of these guys when there is no admin they run with their tail between their legs because they're tired of what's going on. It was not a digging in for reporting me just the fact of leaving the server and to be honest it wasn't really directed toward him. Yes he did leave, but came back right away. Other than that, I just want to leave a tip for ya new guys. I was in your place before, just a Private and without admin. The best way to deal with people who come in like that is best to ignore them. Politely tell them to stop, but be serious about it. If it continues don't leave, just ignore it. The whole point of them doing what they are doing is to get a rise out of you, to piss you off. You give them that, they got what they wanted and they're going to stay. Ignore them, act like nothing is happening, keep everyone else calm and just say the matter will be handled. They will go away, because believe it or not they will get bored. What I did was wrong, and shouldn't be handled the way I did. Even though I'm in no position to tell you what to do, but I can help you guys and give you hints. As follows though, the saying, "Do as I say and, not as I do." Definitely applies here, because you shouldn't TK. And Nick ol' pal, I think you should ban me. I feel as though you're giving me a break, so give the week that you see fit. As you are the ultimate decider on things right now. It needs to be known that it isn't acceptable for anyone even if they are a good friend.
  11. Getting an USAF on my arm after I'm inducted.
  12. I would like to say Phan didn't warn me. He simply didn't ban me because he found out and knew it was me. I was tk'ing the two guys who were killing everyone, even though I know the rules being with the unit for roughly 8 months. I was trying to piss them off and make them leave which it was working, until the map changed. So yes I do know the rules, and damn well too, so if I need to be banned then so be it. Nothing can null the fact that I was tk'ing. Am I sorry for tk'ing the fuckers? Hell no. Am I sorry for breaking the rules despite knowing them? Yes. Now to all you new guys joining up in this unit, knowing me or not, I don't give a fuck... but god damn it grow a pair of fucking balls. Not did I ever once leave the server when there was a tk'ing rampage going on and there was nothing that could be done about it. I would stay in that server until they left or I got somebody's help who does have admin. You really shouldn't be leaving the server and not giving a stance on the issue while it's happening. You can't just leave a bunch of pubbers in there while that shit is happening, and not be there to say that it's wrong and it's time for everyone to cut the shit. You have a lot of responsible guys in this unit that you can get a hold of that have admin. If you don't, ADD THEM. MP's, SSgt.'s and up all have admin, they key in a unit is CHAIN OF COMMAND. If you can't get an MP, get a SSgt, if that doesn't work go to the next rank until the issue is resolved. Your officers aren't scary guys, they're actually pretty laid back and good guys. The only time they're scary is when you fuck up, that's it. There's my 2 cents. That is all.
  13. And where in there did I say it caused cancer? I said, "His lungs are failing."
  14. Well if it's a TV show about vampires and gypsies here's the link. If not I suggest using this site. http://www.surfthechannel.com/
  15. My buddy since kindergarten, his dad is an advent pot smoker. Started when he was most likely your age or younger, I say that because you come off as a 16 year old kid blinded by only what he wants to believe, rather then actually stopping and looking around to see what's really going on. So anyways about my buddy's dad, his lungs are failing from his constant pot abuse. Yes, grant it he does smoke cigarettes... So what, big fucking deal, pot has more tar than cigarettes that's why they say to put it in a bake good or etc. And don't kid yourself we all know that the majority of pot smokers, smoke cigarettes when they're either out in public or they're just out of weed and they just need that fix from the act of smoking. Either way it's fucking bad for you, any kind of smoke in your lungs is bad, that's why people die in fires the majority of the time. (IT'S BECAUSE THEY INHALED TOO MUCH SMOKE. See where this is going now?) You just want pot to be legalized so it's easier for you and your little buddies to get your grubby little dick skinners on a bag of pot. Congratulations you're one of the few who doesn't care about paying tax for your pot, I commend you. Thing is since it's a narcotic just like alcohol and cigarettes there's going to be an age restriction on it anyways if it were legalized, and that's a big IF. Not to mention it'll most likely have the same age restriction as alcohol.
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