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Giovannoli 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Giovannoli 1st MRB

  • Birthday 05/22/1993

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    New Jersey

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Forum Connoisseur

Forum Connoisseur (29/91)



  1. Also is it going to be old school health packs you pick up off dead guys? Or is it going to be a health regen thing? or is it going to be like dods with a voice command?
  2. Would you guys think about adding options for rank patches on characters? And being able to actually pick what one you have (once youve gotten to that rank). Is there is a ranking system at all? I think as a WWII game its hard to add things like attachments to guns and that sort of thing. But Im sure aesthetic addons would be a welcomed addition to your game. Even if its simple things like adding clan tags to your gun or something of that nature.
  3. Hey Yama, I really like the new look. But I was wondering if at any point in the future we will be able to see the server on the home page like in the past? Im sure youre still working on all that junk but I just wanted to ask
  4. Its been ages since ive posted here haha, few years maybe? Well here goes. On my way to take my real estate test.
  5. Hey, so im looking at this game and its 15$ right now and im not sure if its worth saving money for. Anyone play it? It kinda looks like terraria but in space.
  6. Cluster fuck? I hadnt heard what happened to that game? Well nothing with facts behind it. Last I heard they scrapped it after the Boston bombing.
  7. This is the final product of the murder!!
  8. I miss my first Rec
  9. Super rad! Might as well grab it to have it!
  10. This was a trip my gf and I made to visit the met in NY
  11. dude you and your wife look great!!
  12. Brass Knucks
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