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Giovannoli 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Giovannoli 1st MRB

  1. Hey everyone I’m at school right now and Instead of wasting time by doing nothing, I want to start on the Husky borders Since I’m at school I can’t take a screen shot of the map. Could someone take a screen shot and post it here on this forum? That would help a lot. If not that’s ok since ill be going home in 3 or 4 hours. Also I was wondering if it would help you all if I took photos of the buildings and put the name of it on the picture so you can look at it and know what it is. Basically ill take a picture of the side of the building and inside it, and post the name of it so if you’re not familiar with the map on the side of your screen you can be familiar with the actual building. (I will make both, but I’m making the side screen map boundaries first due to the amount of time we have till the realism.) Thanks for the help! Gio~
  2. Well i usually would ask my sister to come in my room and ask her about her day so she would bore me to sleep but since she has went to collage i haven't been sleeping much lol, But now i listen to music, or i do small work outs (pull-ups, crunches, push-ups) to tire my self out...
  3. I like the idea, we change the password around all the time. So to me that seems like fun, but Parker might be the best person to ask.
  4. Hey! Welcome to the Unit!!

  5. omg your profile is trippy as hell!! i close my eyes and all i see is the bears!!!! >.<

  6. Well everyone im going on vacation from the the 27th to the 2nd of Jan..... So i wont be online and blah blah blah. ill take pics and shit peace out all
  7. haha so i have you in the story, and you run in and save my ass from a German's knife, by whacking him with the tip sides of your bullet belt for your 30 cal. gun. lol btw this essay is due 2 marrow XD haha ill fit u all in if possible
  8. well to tell u the truth the setting is in a pacific island...
  9. Sounds like a plan Clark. Oh btw everyone ill post the essay thing on this topic when its done oh it would help if i had first names, if you wouldnt mind
  10. kk ill figure out something for you i might make u the unit sniper who owns all
  11. haha ok Clark, do u wanna live? Die? Be my Main character's Best bud? your pick tell me what you want and ill add it in my essay some how.
  12. haha what would u like to be Janke? Ill basicly make u anyone u want lol
  13. ok Smithers your the one who is always chill about things and never freaks out, and McDowell im making u the guy in my 'story' who runs out into battle with no fear and never dies xD
  14. So im writing this essay and i need to make up characters, so i was like. 'why not use the marine raiders i know'. So to make it short who wants to be in my essay?
  15. Who else thinks that Vivid should post a pic? Its all been guys so far xD
  16. Dude i was max from "Where the Wild Things Are!" for halloween this year :D

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