So Im kinda going to consider this a political thing because of what it has become. So Ive found that a scary amount of people became offended by the Coca-Cola commercial... Is anyone else offended or am I the only one who thinks they did the right thing showing the diversity of our country. I just feel like people have become so hyper sensitive about things now and anything will offend someone. I really would like to see your opinions though because I went on the Coke's facebook page and found a ton of quotes that worried me. This one is my favorite though. "One word....xenophilia. Never drinking coke again." - Chris
First off, xenophilia or xen·o·pho·bi·a means 'intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.' So what im trying to figure out is, is does this guy have xenophobia or is he saying coke does? or does he even understand what he wrote? I just... Im really. Idk. Surprised? Should I be?