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Giovannoli 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Giovannoli 1st MRB

  2. A few weeks ago on spring break.
  3. Your profile is so organized o.o

  4. So Im kinda going to consider this a political thing because of what it has become. So Ive found that a scary amount of people became offended by the Coca-Cola commercial... Is anyone else offended or am I the only one who thinks they did the right thing showing the diversity of our country. I just feel like people have become so hyper sensitive about things now and anything will offend someone. I really would like to see your opinions though because I went on the Coke's facebook page and found a ton of quotes that worried me. This one is my favorite though. "One word....xenophilia. Never drinking coke again." - Chris First off, xenophilia or xen·o·pho·bi·a means 'intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.' So what im trying to figure out is, is does this guy have xenophobia or is he saying coke does? or does he even understand what he wrote? I just... Im really. Idk. Surprised? Should I be? Gio.
  5. Omfg is this really them!? WHY do you have this?! Im laughing way to hard at this!
  6. Wow. . . That was actually really. . Idk, calming? All I know is my terrible mood is now gone. That was really really good!
  7. So... This happened. https://twitter.com/WBCSays Im no religious person. But when I did go to church I was never taught that god hated anyone. Especially for the reasons these people are saying the bombings happened.
  8. I think that I and 100s of other people. have family in the hospital and couldnt really give a shit about why it happened to be frank. Im not sure why everyone when something like this happens they ask about why or who. Why not ask is there anything we can do to help the people that are there or just let this kind of shit settle for a little. Conversations / arguments that come from disaster make me more angry than the damn disaster some times.
  9. I really hope that no one in the unit was there. I have family that are there right now. One of my aunts is in the hospital. No deaths. Im just. Really, frankly sick of the shit that goes on in our world. I really hope everyone is okay out there and I cant imagine the reason behind this..Is no place safe anymore?
  10. Someone needs to make this a video game hahahahaha
  11. Name: Alex Giovannoli Rank: Sgt Type of issue: Steam Brief Description of Issue: No mater what type of picture file or picture I use high quality or low it wont be visible in game when I spray my spray. All my old sprays before the patch work. Anything new does not. Am I putting it in the wrong folder? ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  12. Guys its 10am Eastern the pub is empty and ranked 5!? Who else sees a problem here? Fill er up!
  13. can we say crab cake in this forum or no? lol
  14. its about 10am Eastern and the pub is pretty empty.... Filler er up!!!
  15. Where did this even come from lol?! look at #37 in Cast's original post. Now I really want to change my name to D. Visca 1st MRB, damn someone make this happen! I really thought that Visca finally snapped and started talking to himself...
  16. Woooo its your birthday!!! Congrats!
  17. omfg This thred is spectacular. im laughing way to hard at this.
  18. To bad McDowell's server is always god damn down >:I
  19. Pfc. A. Giovannoli - I would also settle for Fall Out New Vagas, Game of the year addition.
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