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Giovannoli 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Giovannoli 1st MRB

  1. And this is why I never try to post anything on the forums, to many grammar vultures out there just itching to point out a mistake. Maybe ill start posting essays on here for you gents to correct.
  2. This is actually really interesting, I love finding music like this (out there and new ish) Thanks for the share Ford!
  3. This is exactly how I feel. No matter how this country feels they resolve the issue there will always be someone out there to fuck it up. I just feel the only thing thats not totally bogus or harmful to mine and my grandfather's gun collection is that A. Dont keep bullets in your house (or in the same place as the fire arm) B. Someone needs to invent some kind of trigger lock that fucks the trigger to be unusable if the lock is broken... That way if someone breaks into your safe or house or what ever they cant actually use the gun.. I just dont think a drastic law is going to stop someone who has premeditated murder. I just dont see the logic in putting laws up for people who dont care about laws.
  4. The warmest welcome back you could ask of these people.
  5. damn Mitchell its been a while! (Sgt. A Giovannoli)
  6. hahaha thats great!
  7. Name: Chicago Ted Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:48167386 Duration of Ban: a week or two would be fine. Reasons for the Ban: He came into the server and punched a teammate in spawn with his assault. I told him that team killing was against the rules in the server and to not do it again. He said "But I was bro fisting in the air and a teammate ran in front of me." I then said that there is no excuse for punching in spawn and to not do it again. He went on and on about what ever bro fisting was and was not team killing until about 10 minutes later when he killed Cast and a pubber in spawn then left. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Cast was present.
  8. the ending put me into a jones laugh
  9. I grew up with my Grandparents and my Grandfather always taught me that if you keep your shoes on in the house you are showing that you dont care for the cleanliness of the person's house and you are being disrespectful. As an Italian man who's father was straight off the boat from Italy he always taught me to respect people's things better than my own. So ive never really liked wearing shoes in the house, its dirty and disrespectful.
  10. dont be gone to long!!! You sexy beast we will miss you and good luck! Bring lots of bug spray!!
  11. well that takes the fun out of everything!
  12. Rear View Window. Very old movie. Still very good.
  13. Haha thats really cute! Congrats Dillon!
  14. Happy new years! Hope no one got in to much trouble!!
  15. What seems to piss people off more than the game itself is the people who made it. Bad news bears for them!
  16. Thanks Bryant. So wait, is there a background story I'm missing here? Was this planned or something? Yes Parker, it was your Christmas gift from the people who had the money to donate. Its also a thank you for having the server run for so many years. I think Brown or Click started the idea.
  17. I see what you did there.
  18. I got a few 100$ from grandparents. But everything else came from my girlfriend. -a ring -an enderman computer sticker -a few clothes [i have been informed that there is in fact an E in clothes. But then again a shirt is made from cloth] (one was a tshirt with calvin and hobbs on it but they were dressed like Gandalf and Frodo pretty sick!) -two handles of Vodka -one handle of Jack premium barrel bottle. (came in a fancy box! ) -and the 28 days 28 weeks later dvd set. I brought her to New York and spent around 400 dollars on her for comic books and some stuff for her xbox. So....we are both real broke now xD
  19. Mark Cuban Jr. ? God Ford am I really that ugly?! We went to Ellen's Stardust Diner. It was...interesting. She liked it a lot. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Im not the one who laughs like a woman ;D AAAWW how cute but um Gio where is my straw, I want in on this! im sure we coulda found one for you evo! xD
  20. I brought my girlfriend to New York City for Christmas. I think things went well.
  21. It's a Christmas miracle!
  22. my donation didnt go through..my card was declined ill be fixing that as soon as I get home tonight! Or tomorrow when the bank is open! Did that say Jones?! HE LIVES?!
  23. I tend to wait for xmas time to buy games because you can get stuff cheeeeep :DD
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