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Everything posted by Watkis

  1. Umm ok? You just keep acting like you wouldn't defend a player on your team who was caught up in stuff like this. That being said I'm still a Brewers fan and oddly enough still a Braun fan and I am excited for next season. Regardless he will serve his time come back and hopefully play out the rest of his contract. You were saying?
  2. Is it not weird that the only test he has failed was the one that was mishandled, now that's shady. The thing that makes me laugh about this whole things is that I still have not been presented with facts that go against Braun's side of the story. Now if there was some hard evidence that proved he took steroids like abnormal size, abnormal spikes in numbers *cough* Bautista *cough* Mauer *cough* I will probably change my mind, but nothing said up to this point shows that without a doubt he took steroids. Alas it is useless to argue for the defendant in a kangaroo court.
  3. Oh my bad didn't know a test that has been thrown out is now evidence again? Technicality or not it is no longer admissible therefore I ask you what test did he fail that is 100% legit? Never mind let me answer that for you, this might blow you mind but the answer is a big ol fat 0, zilch, nada, none, zippo. Oh but you don't want to hear this you just want to label people guilty and facts are of no importance.
  4. WRONG!! Wether you like it or not the results of the first test have already been discredited and thrown out during the arbitration process so they can have no bearing on this case. Also, it has been reported by cbs(link below) that Bosch innfact new Braun in his college days so once again this has nothing to do with the null/void test. Also is it not wierd that the guy passed almost or over 100 tests before the null/void test and has probably been tested like crazy over the past year and 1/2 and has still not failed a test that has been taken 100% correctly. Now I know this hurts but the only evidence that connects Braun to Bosch other than the snakes testimony, is his name on a piece of paper which was explained and plausably as a consultant fee. The only other piece of evidence connecting him to steroids is the drug test which if you remember has been null/voided by a Arbitrator. So I ask you what test has been confirmed and were is your evidence? http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/blog/eye-on-b...-turning-to-mlb
  5. Let the record show that I predict that the almighty Brew Crew will sweep that A club they call the Twins lol.
  6. This is why I hate any fans from LA win one cup and they think they are the best Franchise in history lol
  7. The non-premium lifestyle is a tough path to walk but it is an honest and gratifying lifesty.............. Oh who am I kiding it's bullshit.
  8. Its all rigged bullshit anyway and the Heat get ALL THE DAMN CALLS!!! Bunch of prissy little wimps!!! Or maybe I'm just mad aboot the Bucks
  9. Eastern Islanders wins in 5 vs Pittsburgh Montreal wins in 6 vs Ottawa Washington wins in 7 vs Rangers Boston wins in 6 vs Toronto Western Chicago wins in 4 vs Minnesota Anaheim wins in 6 vs Detroit San Jose wins in 6 vs Vancouver St. Louis wins in 5 vs Los Angeles
  10. Frenchies at their dumbest. WHat He meant to say was I hope Boston loses tonight because I know that the leafs would kill Montreal
  11. USA (126) Norway (59) Sweden (56)
  12. USA (124) Norway (61) Sweden (56)
  13. Marco Estrada>Verlander, Hernandez In my UN-biased opinion
  14. It took till about the 0:15 mark for soda to be all over my screen.
  15. Added 1 to both Japan and Norway So Japan (2) USA (125) Norway (57) Sweden (57)
  16. Japan (2) USA (125) Norway (57) Sweden (57)
  17. Japan (5) USA (124) Norway (56) Sweden (56)
  18. That was the third or fourth tim Grienke has hit Quinten, and it's not as if he had the intention to break Grienke's collar bone. Also when Quinten took a few steps Grienke said something that he shouldn't have said. Furthermore what kind of idiot lowers a shoulder to a guy twice your size. P.S. This don't play till the guy comes back shit couldn't work.
  19. Japan (9) USA (122) Norway (55) Sweden (55)
  20. Japan (10) USA (122) Norway (55) Sweden (54)
  21. Japan (16) USA (125) Norway (50) Sweden (50)
  22. Japan (21) USA (122) Norway (49) Sweden (49)
  23. Japan (24) USA (118) Norway (49) Sweden (50)
  24. There, I fixed it for ya. Fixed
  25. Japan (28) USA (114) England (1) Norway (49) Sweden (49)
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