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Everything posted by Watkis

  1. Somebodys is getting a cookie
  2. Ok so putting the Bobcats in the 8 spot was a bit over the top but if the t wolves and bucks get in I think they may just have enough to get lucky. Oh and i will hold you to that lol.
  3. Western Conference: 1. LAC 2. OKC 3. LAK 4. SA 5. UT 6. DAL 7. PHX 8. MIN Eastern Conference: 1. CHI 2. PHI 3. MIA 4. BOS 5. IND 6. NYN 7. MIL 8. CHA NBA Finals Milwaukee Vs. Minnesota - Milwaukee in 7
  4. And I just purchased my copy of the roster update. Now if I coud leaglly consume alcohol I'd be set.
  5. contact me on here or steam
  6. If anyones looking to get the game im willing to trade it away for equal close to equal value
  7. Props Dillon you beat me at my own game. I look forward to beating you I mean getting the chance to beat you next year.
  8. yeah shit got real pretty quick
  9. My bad about last night i was too tired to try and figure it out so ill probably go on during the day and figure my shit out
  10. What a stroke of luck i am having i just happenedto spawn on the left side of elektro looking inland (right side looking to sea) so if you guys have an extra weapon im down or ill just follow and provided cannon fodder
  11. Oh Christmas Story how i ruv u
  12. So who's team is best after the draft?
  13. what server do you guys play on ?
  14. yeah
  15. Anyone down to do this tonight at about 9:00 ct/10:00 et?
  16. Im planing on playing tonight so ill be in vent
  17. well im looking to play for the first time tonight if you want to join me send me a message on steam The Jamaican
  18. what times do you guys usually play?
  19. you guys still doing this?
  20. Im down if its open to me
  21. If you dont like it then you enjoy good music
  22. I would enjoy the chance to defend my title if it is exceptable
  23. I second
  24. Great season everybody
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