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Janke 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Janke 1st MRB

  1. 240 Pin DDR3, it's triple-channel, so get a 3x2GB kit at least, to take full advantage of the triple-channel capabilities of the RAM.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO8T4SNE2xE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxiAh80BA6g
  3. Lighting fireworks in a sewer, and shotting the roman candle out of the sewer grate. Friend did this, we blamed it on high school kids after getting out of the sewer when the cops showed up (thankfully they didn't see us in it). I was in 7th grade.
  4. If it's giving you an error on 2 of your 4 hard drives you're likely fucked. You have them set up in I believe it's RAID 0, and while that merges all the hard drives into 1 large storage mass, if any of them fuck up all your hard drives are fucked. This means that you'd need to take the 2 good hard drives and re-format them, and have 500GB of storage space, while completely removing the bad ones from the system.
  5. I'll look into renting this myself, maybe buying it, I should have some money coming in. PSN: ljj119
  6. Gentlemen, thank you for keeping our continent free and safe. *Salute*
  7. Winning gold, fucking awesome. Winning the most gold ever, that's awesome too. FUCK YA, CANADA!!!
  9. Janke 1st MRB

    Low FPS

    Let's see, Alienware. Usually high-end gaming laptops, however they're more than likely bogged down horribly with pre-installed Dell programs. I'm going to guess at this laptop being about a year or two old, having an older Core 2 Duo/other low-end mobile dual-core CPU @ 2.5Ghz, and about 2-3GB of RAM. The laptop is likely designed for Vista and therefore can run 7 fine. Check to see that you have the most up to date video card drivers, especially if you fresh-installed Win7 on it. While the built-in windows drivers are good enough for everyday use, they won't help you worth shit in games. The amount of people on the server makes a difference too, especially on higher graphics settings. When the server is full, I get lagspikes every so often in high-graphics areas on my 9600GT. My recommendation is to turn your graphics settings down. While your config on a desktop may be good enough, laptops generally can't game as well as a desktop with the same specs. Turn down your settings, and update your drivers. After updating your drivers, try turning the settings up. If you're still getting lag, try disabling some of the background programs that run on your computer. Another big thing is cooling, make sure your laptop is kept cool, a cooling pad would help greatly. I have a friend whose laptop overheated on WoW, going from 50 to 20 FPS in an hour, a similar cooling problem could be happening with you.
  10. Brilliant Le, simply brilliant. What next; calling Phan, Vogt?
  11. Looking over your enlistment, I see that the reason you left the 4th, from a CO position of 2nd Lt. was "disciplinary altercations" with the members. Sounds familiar. This shows me that it's not us, it's you. You have problems giving/receiving discipline, especially receiving. When I was a private, I joined knowing that while I'd still be having fun playing the game, we'd be taking it more seriously than pubbers, whereas you seem to expect us to run ourselves like a pubbing clan. As well, you put words in everyone's mouths when you said, "*Respect* oh yeah... just so you know the only reason people *Salute* you and say sir in this game is because they want to be in a unit that doesn't have noobs," Shut your fucking face, don't go putting words in our mouths. The command staff here work their asses off so ungrateful shits like you have the opportunity disgrace our pub and private servers, and defile our forums, all while keeping up contact with other units, organizing unit vs. unit realisms, and administrating some 80-odd people. I'm sure there's more, I wouldn't know, I've never ran a unit. They do a shitton more than you ever have or will for any unit, and for that they deserve respect, and how dare you belittle their hard work and dedication. And until you learn a little something about respect yourself, don't you dare go telling us we're disrespectful. This overreaction of yours here is truly disgraceful. Piss off, and let the door hit you on the way out.
  12. That's a damn fine setup you got going there.
  13. That's right, EA has made 3 old Command and Conquer games freeware, that means you can LEGALLY download them for free. These games are Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn, Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, and Command and Conquer: Red Alert. These amazing and very re-playable classic C&C games are available for download on the Command and Conquer website here with installation instructions here. Enjoy!
  14. Alexandre Bilodeau, the first Canadian to WIN GOLD ON CANADIAN SOIL!!!! FUCK YA!!! Men's ski moguls. I don't think he quite realizes what he's become after seeing the CTV interview.
  15. Only way I know of to open a .pdf on the iPod is to download it off of a website/e-mail and have the iPod open it, I have no idea how to place it on.
  16. I once read a book on this same topic called "You Can't do That in Canada." Another one is in the province of Quebec you can't have butter coloured margarine. Also, hovercraft are illegal on Ontario highways.
  17. What the shit is that?
  18. I would very much like to see Palermo added to the rotation, and Anzio kept on.
  19. Basically, try what everyone else has said, verify files, if that fails re-install, if that fails re-install the drivers. If that fails, then it's likely your video card. Some things you could try doing to it are dusting out any fans (hell, dust out your whole computer while you're at it), remove the card, let the computer and card sit for a while (off of course), then re-install the card (if you can in a different slot on the motherboard) and re-install the drivers.
  20. If it doesn't want to co-operate in game, change it in your control panel settings.
  21. My dad took it down to Sony, they fixed it in a day for $196. They say there's no fix, and by that they mean there's no easy or warranty-covered fix. I got it back now, have to re-do all my games, but my rank in CoD stayed the same, and I can re-download all the games I bought on the PS store (all 3 of them...)
  22. The yellow light of death, or YLOD, is apparently the equivalent of the RROD for XBox on the PS3. It was an issue that only appeared in the original 60GB and 20GB launch models. It can be caused by a myriad of things, the main ones being overheating and hard drive corruption. I have never met someone with this issue, until today. I was playing CoD6, and my PS3 freezes, then crashes with a flashing red light and 3 beeps. I try re-booting it, it crashes again, this time the green light turned yellow before doing the same flashing red light with 3 beeps. I am the first person I know to have gotten the YLOD. I know it's not the corrupted hard drive problem, as I wasn't installing anything at the time. I tried leaving it for a while, but it still won't start. I've left it for about half an hour now, and intend to try it again. However, if it doesn't work, does anybody know a fix that doesn't involve opening it or sending it in to be fixed (as I'm not under warranty anymore, and don't want to dish out $150)?
  23. Awesome, just pure awesome!
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