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Janke 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Janke 1st MRB

  1. Ok, I'm at a loss now, I can't help him anymore over the Internet, I'm at a total loss as to what could be causing it, and not being able to browse the BIOS I can't fiddle with the settings. I'm gonna let your tech support send you that e-mail on how to fix it again, seeing as they did it once before.
  2. Phan's a perv.
  3. I'd love to see them try. I've beaten one computer to death before, I can damn well do it again.
  4. It's true, I said it. So me fixing it again is like me ripping it's cock off and slapping it with it's own cock.
  5. SATA drives have no jumpers, the master is determined based off of which socket the drive is plugged in to. SATA are a bit different from the old IDE devices you're thinking of Le. When we last opened the computer all drives were installed correctly. When we went to the Vista install setup, his main drive was registered as unallocated space. I had him allocate it, but apparently Vista didn't like the way it was allocated. I may need to have him delete the partition and re-allocate the space.
  6. UPDATE Apparently something wiped his drive clean totally, it seems a new Vista install is necessary however, the Vista install disk isn't finding the hard drives on AHCI mode properly. At the moment, I'm trying to help Zachow play around with the different HDD BIOS settings, seeing if there are different results in RAID configuration or IDE configuration. I will not be available until late tomorrow evening, so if this issue isn't resolved tonight it is on the top of my priority list to fix as soon as I can.
  7. Rejected is my fave too, but Ah L'Amour was pretty funny too.
  8. If you can get on Vent I can discuss this with you further and more in depth, I know a few things about boot blue screens, and the 1TB isn't going to be a whole 1TB, there's always going to be a fair bit of data missing from the drives, my 500 only reads as like 460.
  9. He just needed to re-seat the motherboard and re-install the RAM/Graphics Cards, I walked him through it on an MSN video chat.
  10. Alright, after chatting with you on vent I've found out this issue still isn't resolved. Get on vent today and I'll try and help you with some of the stuff we discussed last night, hopefully this is a simple issue, but if not it may require a reformat and a bit of cash being spent.
  11. I've got it, haven't played it in ages, but it's a pretty good game.
  12. I have no words to describe that drawing, I hope you get a better artist for your next math problem...
  13. Bricks = Shat.
  14. Ah Mr. Weebl, how amusing.
  15. Coke producst by far, nothing refreshes like Nestea!
  16. Go with cable, it's actually gonna go faster, be more consistent, and get closer to the advertised speed than DSL, because DSL runs through old ass phone lines where as cable runs through the newer, larger, and better maintained cable lines. That, and it seems like Comcast is cheaper and faster, go Comcast.
  17. Olioliolioooooooo! Loved crab battle, it was hilarious, especially the alternate voice version.
  18. I'm new here, so I figured I should probably introduce myself somewhere, and where better than the pics thread? Hi, I'm ^ This weirdo.
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