Janke 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Janke 1st MRB
Корабль с этим в ГУЛАГ, а также.
Один не улыбаться, когда фашисты в дверь, один улыбается, когда те фашисты мертвы.
Оставаясь верным Родине. И защищать Родину, славного Самозарядная винтовка Токарева, образец 1940 года (CвT-40)
Отправить эту в ГУЛАГ, которые научат его за неподчинение.
Вперед к победе, товарищи! Во имя Сталина, мы будем бороться с фашистами в Германию и брать Берлин от них! Мы сделаем их жалею думая, что они могли бы принять нашу Родину от нас, к славе! Next year, find a way to translate the whole site to the language of the new nationality.
While the things Kony has been doing are atrocious, he hasn't been very active in the last few years, and has been doing this for well over 2 decades, and I'm wondering why the hell is he such a big deal NOW as opposed to 20 years ago when this started, or 2006 when my church aired a video about this same issue, or any time in between when this stuff started and now? I personally think there's ulterior motives to this whole issue, I think it's not all about catching a war criminal, there's more to it than that, most likely something that benefits the US government or NATO in some way. That, and I've heard stories about mismanagement of money both by Invisible Children, such as only a few cents on the dollar going to Uganda for/from this, and mismanagement of the little money the Ugandan government gets by the Ugandan government, and I won't support government corruption. That, and after this guy got arrested for public masturbation, I can't take this thing at all seriously anymore.
Do you turn off your computer?
Janke 1st MRB replied to Parker 1st MRB's question in Hardware Guides & Maintenance Questions
I'm going to say that HDDs likely do not have a truly "unlimited" lifespan as suggested, like anything around electronics or magnetism, data can become corrupted over time or the hardware/storage surface (usually a disk or series of disks) can break down. Another disadvantage I've heard to SSDs is that truthfully they're, like any flash memory, in truth volatile storage, they require a power source to run, and I'm sure like most flash memory, they have some kind of battery to preserve that data when powerless, but that battery wears out over time, and when it expires, the whole hard drive is useless. Granted, with modern SSDs that battery will probably outlast the rest of the drive, but if you're one hell of an optimist and plan on using a computer 25 years, you need to take that into account. I've encountered functioning hard drives from the mid '80s that took up 2 5.25" drive bays, so they can, like all electronics, last, it just depends on how they're treated, among other things, one truthfully being luck. -
Do you turn off your computer?
Janke 1st MRB replied to Parker 1st MRB's question in Hardware Guides & Maintenance Questions
Doubtful, it's not like turning your computer off frequently will immediately deteriorate it, it's a cumulative thing. Besides, your computer really shouldn't be topping 60 Celsius, and on average should be running 30-40 Celsius, so it's not like it approaching metal-melting hot and going from extreme hot to extreme cold. What would do more damage is letting it get very dusty, therefore hot, and leaving it on all the time, as microprocessors are sensitive to heat, so much so that most newer computers, if not all, have a built-in failsafe that turns the computer off at 110 Celsius, if any component reaches that temperature. This computer's been on and off when I go to sleep many a time, I've had it for 4 years and the only noticeable performance decrease or fan speed increase is when it gets dusty. PCs were kind of designed to be off and on, I wouldn't worry so much about circuit fatigue if I were you, not until your computer starts running around 5-6 years old, and even then I've used a computer that was 30 years old at the time, and as far as I know it still runs, and is about 32, so circuitry can last. -
Do you turn off your computer?
Janke 1st MRB replied to Parker 1st MRB's question in Hardware Guides & Maintenance Questions
I would put the computer to sleep, until eventually it refused to go to sleep, it would wake itself back up, so I turn it off now. I often leave my laptop on sleep, though, especially if I plan on using it later in the day. -
Because it's actually imperfect, it's not transparent.
I stood up in front of my Physics class today and told them all to tell their American friends about it and bitch at their MP to try and get the Canadian Government to speak out against it, which is likely impossible, as Harper would never think of saying anything bad about America.
http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c2#/video...erald-found.cbc At about 5 seconds he takes the thing out of a bag, and HOLY FUCK IS THAT THING BIG!
"In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields." -LtCol. John McCrae. Lest we forget those brave few who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country, and for the freedom of all mankind. God Bless those brave men and women who have served, are serving, and will serve in the future in the armed forces.
Upgrade or Just Buy a New one
Janke 1st MRB replied to Maines's question in Hardware Guides & Maintenance Questions
There's a video tutorial I did a while back that should be stickied on how to build a computer. You can watch that to get an idea, but look around for other tutorials and, if you can, find an older computer and take it apart then put it back together before attempting to build your own. When I went by to teach my friends how to build a computer, I brought my old computer around and had them tear it down and put it all back before touching their own parts. The best way to learn is a practical experience with an old rig. -
Upgrade or Just Buy a New one
Janke 1st MRB replied to Maines's question in Hardware Guides & Maintenance Questions
Generally the way it goes for gaming is you don't get an ATI/AMD less than x750, and you don't get a NVidia less than x60. These are the points where gaming-level hardware starts for both companies, below are cards, like Dillon said, for HD video; they'll struggle in games. -
https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article...=1040-JWMT-2947 Try this link, see if it helps, notably;
Turkey and alcohol!
Indeed you'd likely need a better PSU. 550 watt should do fine, but you can get something in the 630-750 watt range for decently cheap too. Always good to have a bit of extra breathing room. As for the actual card, I got an NVidia GTX 460SE, both this and the base 460 are decent cards in the $150-$180 price range (last I checked). NVidia also has their next-gen line out, the 500 series, and the cheapest performance cards on it, the GTX560s, are around $180-$200. As for recommendations from ATI/AMD, I'll let Dillon handle that, I'm a NVidia/Intel guy myself, I don't tend to keep up with ATI/AMD.
Police around the world maybe, militaries not so much. Most of your argument centres around your opinion on them as well so calling me out on my opinion using yours as a counter-argument is just as shaky. As far as I know, more militaries use Beretta and H&K than use Glock. Also, in terms of supposed "cheap knock-offs" of 1911s, I know Colt still makes them themselves, the centennial model was recently released, and Para Ordnance makes incredibly reliable and accurate 1911-style pistols. And while Norinco might have a bad rep, they still make decent, and cheap, guns, and I can get them for a hell of a lot cheaper up here than most other companies. Saying they've lost their lustre, that's just your opinion, just as mine is that Glock makes ugly guns that are uncomfortable. Any other decent-sized handgun I've had no problems in terms of comfort, except for the Glock, and that's just my opinion and my preference. I don't like Glocks, no matter how reliable or whatever they are, I don't like them, I don't like the look or the feel of them, and ultimately that's what matters to the shooter, how it feels. If I were getting a gun for CCW, I'd be getting one that I like the feel of, hell I'd be doing the same even for target shooting, and I don't like the feel of Glocks. I don't give a shit about their reliability or simplicity, if I don't like the way they shoot that's what matters in the end, and I don't. Having a different opinion about them than you doesn't make me insane, it means I have a different taste in weapons. Personally, I don't like a gun that looks like someone put a metal box on top of it that moves, that's how I see the Glock, a moving metal box on top of a pistol grip. I like something with a bit more curvature to it. That, and it was uncomfortable to shoot, the only guns that were more uncomfortable that I've shot were the Walther PPK and TPH, and that's because they're so damn small. Having my own opinion doesn't make me insane, it makes me an individual, and no matter what the hell you say about the Glock, I still won't like it, no matter how simple or reliable it is, in my subjective opinion it's ugly and uncomfortable, and if I find it uncomfortable, I'm not going to shoot it as well as I would one that feels right, and there are plenty of other guns just as reliable and simple that I could get as alternatives that I think both look and feel better. As for Glocknades, that was a half-joke, but on the /k/ section of one of the Chan boards, Glocks in specific were the guns that gained an explosive reputation. I know it's likely a small number thereof that were improperly maintained, but you have to wonder why it was they who gained the rep and not someone else in the first place. Granted, when people don't know a lot, they can spout a ton of crap that catches on (like people thinking milsurp corrosive will immediately start disintegrating your gun, or at least, that's what it seems with how much some people seem to hate it).
No, I'm not, I hate the way they look and I recall holding just like the .45 I was shooting and the damn Glock was giving me cramps. Glocks are ugly, uncomfortable, and I really don't like them at all. Also, I doubt the 1911 would still be as popular a design now if it were as unreliable as you say it is. It's been around for 100 years and countless pistols have been designed similar to it in many ways, not to mention it looks and feels better than a Glock. There are people who'd say you don't deserve to own a gun for calling the 1911 unreliable. Also, ever heard of Glocknades? If you don't clean the Glocks properly, and frequently, they've been known to explode. You could leave a WWII era gun lying in mud, shake it out a little after, and fire it perfectly fine with no problems. I'd love to see the modern firearm that can do that, a damn Glock would explode if you tried. For $550, I'd take a 1911 Clone over a Glock any day.
Just got it now today.
I hate Glocks, got to fire a police service Glock for Metro Toronto once, hated it. I hate how they look, and the ergonomics on it were shit IMO. That, and they're so damn expensive, you could get a piece of history, a Russian Tokarev TT-33 and 2000 rounds of ammo for the same price as a Glock. Granted, part of that recommendation is the collector in me talking, but there are plenty of more modern pistols that are cheaper, more aesthetically pleasing, and have better ergonomics than a Glock.
If I'm not mistaken, most HP servers run a custom HP Unix-based OS.
Mickey D's, Rotten Ronnie's, they're all nicknames for it around 'Murrica.