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Janke 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Janke 1st MRB

  1. Both sets of drivers are up to date, and no, it just freezes and the screen goes black. Teamspeak sometimes still works, as I've been in a TS server with friends when my game has crashed. And no, repeated beeping on startup is usually a RAM issue, not a heat one. Heat problems usually just cause your computer to shut down, or the respective part of the computer, as most hardware is designed with a failsafe to kill power to itself before it fries.
  2. Here's a picture of me I just took with my webcam, beware the shitty quality:
  3. DoD just updated, the servers haven't had a chance to install the new update yet, therefore anyone with an updated DoD, which should be everyone, cannot connect to them. Give it some time, they'll update.
  4. How do you turn your computer off? Do you "cold/hard kill" it, where you hold the power button until it turns off, or do you turn it off properly?
  5. SHIT, I saw the Davesfarm Redneck Roller Coaster, the car with the driver's seat in front of the hood!
  6. What is the exact error it says your hard drive has? This error could be a hardware problem rather than a software problem, and we need to see the exact error as it tells you on boot to tell.
  7. Tried, still happened. Had to restart my game twice during the realism to prevent crashing.
  8. Our ISPs in Canada only offer a fraction of the speed that is offered in the States. We only get up to like 30mbps, where as in the States I know you're getting 1gbps, and commonly have between 10-50mbps. I personally have 4.5mbps. Canadian ISPs also put download caps on most of them, at least, the faster ones do. Bell and Rogers have caps anywhere from 5GB monthly to 100GB monthly, and charge $5 for an additional 40GB. I use Primus, one of the third-party providers, and it runs through the Bell phone/DSL lines, and because I'm on a third-party they offer unlimited download, but speeds of only 7mbps. I get 4.5 because Bell hasn't touched the phone lines in this neighbourhood in 70 years, and as such their capacity is only 4.5. I know if they replaced them I could get up to 6, but of course Bell isn't going to replace what isn't "broken".
  9. I know what'll be keeping me up all night, and I need to be kept up all night.
  10. I live where Parker does...
  11. Tried opening the case to allow more air in to cool it better, didn't help.
  12. As those on the roster probably know, I have a problem on luebeck1945 where my graphics card will randomly crash for no reason, and my whole computer will go down. This has only happened on dod_luebeck1945_b1 and dod_jagd, but I'm assuming it could happen on any, unless it's something on those maps that causes it. I was wondering, has anyone had a similar problem, and how did they fix it/if anyone knows how to fix it.
  13. Depending on the monitor, you may want to first try removing and re-attaching the cable completely. If it still screws up try buying a new cable. At that point if it still screws up then it is either the monitor or video card.
  14. Modular PSU. They're absolutely brilliant, especially for cable management. When I build my own computer, or when I upgrade this one, I'm definitely getting one.
  15. Thank you, whenever I help people build a computer I always stress this. It makes it easier to navigate the case and it improves airflow, which leads to a cooler and better performing computer.
  16. It should fit, snugly, but it should fit. I thought my slim 9600GT would hit the back of my HDD enclosure in my case, but it fit.
  17. No, not 8GB, 9GB. He's got triple-channel support, he should use it, therefore he needs one of 3, 6, 9, or 12 GB of RAM. As well the MoBo supports up to 24GB, not 16. Also, CBA to go find tri-channel kit, but it'll run you like $200 for the 12GB of RAM. And Ford, St-Denis is in Canada, it would be helpful to get him prices in $CAD from Newegg.ca. That, and sometimes .ca doesn't have the same shit as .com.
  18. Pretty good, but I wouldn't trust someone to build your computer for you. You will probably need a more powerful PSU, and Ford's right, the liquid cooling is a bit much and a little unreliable, though for that OC you need a real nice fan, you're looking at $80 for an aftermarket cooler at least. You could also probably get double the RAM for the same price, and GSkill is a good company, I use them myself as do my friends. Also, there's a $100 difference between the 1200 and the 900, and the 900 is a gamer case enough, but if you have the cash to blow go ahead. All around though a pretty good price. I was looking at one myself with more powerful graphics, better PSU, 2 hard drives and more RAM, but only an i7 920 stock and an Antec 900 and it was about the same price off Newegg.
  19. False, the P4 was at least 2 years ahead of the Athlon series. I know, I had an early P4 equivalent Athlon and a P4 era Celeron, and the Celeron was released a full 2 years before the Athlon was, and it still had a bigger cache and faster core clock, and it's a budget Intel. Every time I've checked the comparisons until recently AMD has been behind for the cost of the chip, only in about late 2008-early 2009 did they catch up, offering the same core clocks or faster for the same prices, but about half the processor cache. This would then make AMD have similar/the same benchmarks in games seeing as those computers just play that one game, however the greater cache on the Intel chip for an extra $40-$100, sometimes being more than double, allows it to multitask better than the AMD chip, as well as process/compile video faster than the AMD chip. As well, Intel had overheating prevention technologies built into their processor since the PIII, if it hit 115 Celsius it would shut down. AMD took until their Athlon64 series to implement a technology like this. As well, from most people I've talked to/reviews I've read Intel chips overclock more stably, to a faster core clock, with less heat, and tend to fry less than AMD chips.
  20. Being on an iPod, I won't type much, however I chose Intel because I've had better experiences with them, and traditionally AMD has been a bit behind Intel, though they're getting more caught up now than ever before. I'll post more when I get on a computer.
  21. It's worth the extra cash for the one you showed me before. Better processor, more RAM, better graphics. Still, for $750 I'll see what good shit I can find you, do you mind if it's in parts or does it have to be pre-built?
  22. Well Gooderham, the comp you linked me from Canadacomputers is well worth the money, and i7 for $800, that's a pretty damn good deal.
  23. From personal experience; wireless is fine for laptops, work computers, and console gaming, but not PC gaming. Maybe if it was an 802.11-N wireless network, but still you wouldn't get the same performance as wired.
  24. I've hard that on Vista it scans for wireless networks approx. every 1 minute. I had the same problem you are, and I remedied it by running a 50-foot Ethernet cable through my vents and into my computer room. I'm not sure how to stop it from scanning for networks every minute, however that's more than likely your problem. I recall reading somewhere that there are certain frequencies of wireless network broadcasts in Canada that are illegal to broadcast on.
  25. 2 Questions: 1. Are you using wireless on your gaming computer to access the Internet? 2. If so what operating system do you have?
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