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Everything posted by Griswold

  1. Well, we can see that Martin never learned the true art of subtlety XD. It's honestly hard to pick out what I learned to while part of the Unit. As probably the youngest person to hit the rank of commissioned officer back when I left (for those of you who don't know me, I enlisted in the unit the DAY of my 16th birthday and made 2ndLt. by the time I was 18 or 19.), at the time I was also in JROTC in high school. Leadership was something I was able to put into practice on two fronts and learned it from two different perspectives back then. I learned to lead, learned to follow, learned to adapt and overcome what were considered insurmountable odds. I learned enough that people here thought I should teach those who would be the future of the unit (I was DI back then). I learned to make friends and that no matter whether we won or lost a realism, if I had had fun; I had won. In my tenure with the 1st, I had been part of every platoon. Even 3rd platoon before it was 3rd platoon, 1/3 is what it was back then. Though 2nd Platoon was my home for a particularly long time, I'll can never forgot the all the lessons learned and people met along the way. Though I do still have 1 unanswered question to this day, What ever happened to Smokey Jones? God I miss that laugh.
  2. Well that's good to hear that this place has stuck around over the last 5 years and you guys can still have matches. I'm glad you guys still make changes to how things run, innovation drives success. It's not as hard as you might think, the community isn't only administered by myself, just like here it has it's fair share of admins and others who help grease the cogs in the machine to keep it working. Also, to whoever put my ribbons and medals together for the forum, TYVM.
  3. Oh not much, I spend my of my time currently administrating a Overwatch League style community. I don't play DoD:S as much as I used to (obviously) and spend more time playing WoW or Overwatch where I'm currently a Masters Support. I have to apologize Miller, its been a long time and your name while specifically doesn't ring a bell I'm glad that you have such fond memories of 2nd Platoon. It was definitely also one of the brighter things I remember about the unit. Hello Gougeon, wearing those butter bars I see. Also, Candy wearing those Captain bars. A lot has definitely changed around here. To be honest, I'm surprised how many people are still around. Or that the unit in general is still around.
  4. Griswold

    Hello again

    To those who know me, its nice to see you all again. To those who have no idea who I am, well maybe you'll learn about me in time. This place brings back some memories, some good and some not so. But what's done is done and I can't change the past. It'll Suffice to say its nice to see this place again after, what, 4 or 5 years?
  5. 1070 now installed after it arrived this morning, sadly i'll have to wait to use it till tonight due to work.
  6. My computer is just about the same as your there Wilson Windows 10 64-bit AMD FX-8350 8 cores @ 4.0 Ghz Corsair H100i Water CPU Cooler 16 GB RAM 240 GB SSD 3 TB HD Currently have a Nvidia Geforce GTX 970 3.5+.5 GB memory with a 1070 8GB on the way.
  7. To my knowledge the A-10 uses depleted uranium rounds in it's minigun, does it not?
  8. this is jankovski's steam page for you all. Go to it and add him back to your lists. http://steamcommunity.com/id/alhemist
  9. The clip is me missing the 12th of 12th strike needed to get 300 lol. Got 11 of 12 and then only knocked over 8 in the last ball which this clip shows.
  10. Tonight, I spent my night out bowling with my Brother and my Dad. Almost got a 300! Hopefully this Facebook embed works!
  11. Well 300 from me on this version. Hope it helps!
  12. Just to make sure since I'm very inexperienced with kickstarter. I don't have to worry about being double charged now do I?
  13. Please for the love of god.
  14. I would LOVE to be able to customize the skin with rank on my person
  15. Well remember that the money doesn't come out of your account until it's successfully funded. You'll have to have 400 dollars sitting on the side until then. And ya I should have spelled it out lol.
  16. Well you got 400 from me on behalf of the [1st MRB]. I wanna see this get off of the ground.
  17. Any time!
  18. Well I made a new folder for you Miller. Try this out and see if it works. You'll have to delete your other custom folder completely and replace it with this one. Link is here. Make sure to removed the (2) on the end of the my_custom_stuff folder.
  19. You're missing both the axis and allied supports? That's odd.
  20. Which support are you missing? The allied or Axis one?
  21. To get rid of the Allied Sniper and revert back to the regular sniper you can delete these folders. Note: The file locations for these are going to be using my file locations. Yours will probably not be the same. We have a couple things to delete, so we will start with the materials folder first. Inside the custom/my_custom_stuff folder go to materials then models, then to the weapons. Inside weapons we have the v_models and w_models which both have stuff inside to delete. Inside the v_models folder delete the folder labeled Springfield, the same goes for the w_model folder. Mine are located at D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod\custom\my_custom_stuff\materials\models\weapons\v_models\springfield and D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod\custom\my_custom_stuff\materials\models\weapons\w_models\springfield respectively. The next ones are kind of hard to remove because they are not within their own folders. The models folder outside the materials folder is the next place we are going to. Once inside the models folder is another weapons folder. To remove the Springfield in this folder remove everything labeled v_springfield and w_spring. That should take care of the allied sniper stuff in that folder. Mine are located at D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod\custom\my_custom_stuff\models\weapons for reference. Lastly we will remove the sounds. There are a couple things we can change here we can remove all of them completely or we can remove just the modded firing noise. I think everything else is okay but if you want to remove the firing noise then delete the spring_shoot.wav file. Mine is located at D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod\custom\my_custom_stuff\sound\weapons
  22. You have to re-do them by uncheck marking HTLM and copy paste them from the quartermaster office. Mine work ;DHmm... That's not I assumed Gearhart was mentioning. Just that it didn't work. He didn't specify which part.
  23. It works, but there is no longer a description with the ribbons and medals as you hover over them. *sad face*
  24. testing signature
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