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Everything posted by Griswold

  1. No idea hastings
  2. Marines must not know how to spell or use grammar Farr XD
  3. Um i think not gooderham. Because i can't
  4. nope i haven't seen her in what 3 years? I would if i could but i can't.
  5. Here you go
  6. no she is related to me but not my sister. I do believe she is my Dad's Half sister? I cant remember but we are related
  7. You guys are horrible. So of you might now her as Sabrina Maree but i know her as Sabrina Griswold.
  8. Lol remedy But no it is not wells.
  9. nope
  10. Guess who this is! Picture in Attachments
  11. Are you fricking kinding me? That is all that is left of his car? Wow!
  12. So many 1st MRB Videos we should get a channel That would be sweet
  13. I didn't know that. Steam really is the best game service provider ever. Woot for Valve they really know there shit.
  14. My computer lists my monitor as a Gateway HD1900 Plug and Play. Max Res is 1440 x 900 Who knows maybe i am just so used to playing with crappy graphics that this change will just take time to get used to. But what is really weird is that i played assassin's creed turned it up to full graphics and noticed only positive changes. Weird but maybe that is because i was running that in DX10 and DoD:S runs in DX9
  15. I Recently Switched from a Nvidia Gefore 8600 GTS to a ATI Radeon HD 6850 and the graphics seemed to have gotten worse. Any help?
  16. Wingate: Thank you for your application and I hope you excel Wingate: AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Wingate speaks in a different channel then leaves* Me: ............... *logs off*
  17. I was a witness to HTS. Stinger and his questionable acts. I speced him for awhile and i noticed that when he scoped in he would keep moving side to side to make it hard to tell if he had a sway at all. And that he never stayed in scope for a long time.
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