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Everything posted by Griswold

  2. Yup, lol. For those of you who don't know, I turn 20 today. Some of you up till this point have been being trained by a teenager. It just goes to show that no matter the age, anyone can reach the top. You just gotta work hard and never give up.
  3. I can definitely see some kind of aim assisted game play here. Banned permanently unless a higher officer overturns the ban.
  4. I would pre-order on the spot for co-op fallout
  5. Well unfortunately in the world we live in currently I can see terrorists using these exacts measures to get stuff through. Old women and sick children as living bait basically. It's sad how this world has come to this.
  6. In my opinion candy, I would upgrade your video card from that 600 series to a 900 series. I don't really see anything else that looks worth upgrading right now. I believe a 650w power supply is enough for a new card but I would look into it some more. Everything else could go a couple more years before an upgrade.
  7. Name: NAZIS -SS Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:134107854 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect of Admins/Players Demo Provided?: N but SgtMaj. Barry was present Comments: Nazis had been kicked just prior for spamming voice commands, after being warned by myself and Barry he continued. He was then kicked by Barry, he came back and barry explained why he had been kicked. Nazis responded with: "seus viado de bosta", "comen merda e chupa pinto", and "chupem no meu". Run this through google translate and you get these gems: "your fagot shit", "comen fuck and suck dick", and "suck on my". Now google translate isn't perfect but I think this makes his intentions clear. His ban stays unless overruled by a higher ranking admin.
  8. This is his 4th ban for a TKing offense, this time taking it to an extreme with a record session TK count of 62. He has been given plenty of chances to fix his behavior and failed multiple times. His ban is permanent.
  9. Has been permanently banned on the grounds of impersonating a [1st MRB] Member.
  10. Banned for 2 weeks for Tking and avoiding his ban.
  11. Well it seems that you already permanently banned this guy. The use of racial slurs is a permanent ban worthy offense. It sticks.
  12. That island to the southwest looks perfect for a wizard tower
  13. Apologies not window ledges, but window frames (across the top in this case). Using map areas to unfair advantage where it wouldn't be possible to position your body "in real life". This isn't a rule in the public server. Unrealistic things happen in the pub all the time. It's a rule within realisms though. Make sure you don't confuse realism and public server rules.
  14. ' Boo your necromancing
  15. Because Martin can change anything he wants. It's his story
  16. Someone needs to tell me how to get on this server. I'd go mining all day long, we would never run out of minerals.
  17. My question is why is this video render in 2160p? That's a 4k resolution.
  18. banned for 2 days
  19. Same, I would have setup a medieval mining outpost and dig till I died.
  20. God I don't remember the last time I played minecraft. How do I get in on this?
  21. Japan (24) USA (33) Canada (27) England (20) Norway (17) North Korea (39) Sweden (24) Finland (19) Germany (39)
  22. Name: The Somen Mempo Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:49707283 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Mass Tking in excess of -80 and climbing when I was notified of the situation Demo Provided?: N Comments: none
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