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Everything posted by Griswold

  1. Japan (18) USA (25) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (11) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (29) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (26) China (11) *Nukes go off in the distance*
  2. Are you running for it next month McDowell? If so, good start! o.O? I'm confused? That's not what I see ..? Nice edit, but you didn't edit the quote. You edited the quote XD I don't need to lol Man, you must really not want to be the next one.
  3. Japan (20) USA (22) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (15) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (28) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (23) China (12)
  4. Are you running for it next month McDowell? If so, good start! o.O? I'm confused? That's not what I see ..? Nice edit, but you didn't edit the quote.
  5. Are you running for it next month McDowell? If so, good start!
  6. I smell coverups! I demand a recount XD
  7. Nope there are still about 17 hours left to vote It's close Remember polls close at 10:00 PM EST Today! Vote and voice your opinion while you still can. This is about the only thing you get to vote for in the unit, don't let your american rights go to waste!
  8. Best part of this quote. I think i'll edit it and put on a signature. The best line so far i've read on the forum.
  9. Japan (20) USA (22) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (20) England (20) Norway (19) North Korea (20) Sweden (20) Finland (20) Germany (21) China (18) Oh shit it's this again!
  10. And it'll have blackjack and hookers!
  11. i love how the guy called you a blatant hacker at the end. LMAO
  13. It's all in good fun, I even got it at one point. Think of it as a bestowed privilege that everyone thinks you're the most special till the next vote. It's awesome and hilarious at the same time!
  14. it's already been done, nice seeing you around again cast!
  15. Quarterman made this vote and didn't put kev on here so I voted for him.
  16. Better question, why not?
  17. Today at the prime age of 83, Leonard Nimoy has passed away. Best know for his Star Trek role as Spock. From his old role in the first series to his more recent cameos in the newer ones. We have lost a great man today, Live Long and Prosper dear raiders. Reach for the stars.
  18. He has already been banned for 1 week.
  19. Thats a Hindu mantra sign , its also used now as a symbol of trance music . You learn something new every day.
  20. Is that allah written on the side of the stock?
  21. Name: Salty Boi Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:66766696 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Mass Tking + Racism Demo Provided?: N but chat logs prove racism link Comments: None
  22. He doesn't have access to the Ordinance office till he passes BCT
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