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Everything posted by Griswold

  1. embeded for awesomeness Edit #1: God I can't stop laughing XD
  2. Ahahhahahaha Verdum ahahahahahaha
  3. Name: fagqueer Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:109294717 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Name and excessive TKing at time of ban exceeding -35 score. Demo Provided?: N Comments: N/A
  4. I'm sorry what? WAT? In what context do they like these dogs?
  5. It seems that your brothers went on a spree tonight. Tking and switch accounts after multiple bans had already been placed. That earned you an IP ban because of the continued infractions via the IP. Normally, we only disciple on an account by account basis but if people start to abuse the system we ban via IP. That being said, no one here has the authority to reserve your ban since it came from the highest ranked member of our unit. I hoped you enjoyed your stay, but you will have to find somewhere else to play.
  6. Name: Seegal Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:10722802 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Racism Demo Provided?: N Comments: Was going to be banned 1 week for team killing but got out the n word as I was about to ban him for it. Raised it to a perm on the spot and banned him.
  7. I don't get any points for posting about that exploding kittens game? wtf man
  8. Welcome to the world of kick starter. Where if you feed off of the internet famous topic of kittens, you reach your $10,000 goal in less than 20 minutes. This kick starter has been funded about 20,000 times over in less than a day! Take a look for yourself. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elanle...ploding-kittens
  9. It may only record his first action but it shows enough. Player has been banned for hacking.
  11. fuck the pats
  12. Permanently banned due to blatant and excessive TKing. Such things while the server is at it's lowest point in the night will not be tolerated.
  13. Made 3 years ago but it's still awesome to listen to.
  14. I got a Corsair CX750W power supply and upgraded from the stock heat sink on my CPU to the Corsair H100i so now I can start OC'ing my CPU. So now my computer build in total looks something like this. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/7FxTVn
  15. Real question should be why did it take so long for someone to look for a way to do this to someone? Steam for a long time had been a really good platform, why steal someones digital shit? Steam is just like any other digital platform, why did it take so long for viruses that specifically target Steam to come out?
  16. Tifrobond has seemed to have come down with this virus, if anyone has him on there friends list check your recent messages with him. If you opened any link from him, SCAN YOUR COMPUTER NOW!!!!
  17. BAR members are worth 2 points, I forgot to add that in. Done.
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