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Everything posted by O'Malley

  1. O'Malley

    DJ Hero

    why is it a flop? no one bought it or it doesnt work like it said?? i confused itsnt it NEW??...
  2. I think you should read some off this forum before you go mental overclocking Overclocking Graphic cards, MB, n Chips?
  3. O'Malley

    DJ Hero

    Blech??? guess thats a new term.. THIS is Badass. About time they came out with something like this. WOOT nice post
  4. Jesus smithers, thats like a HUGE ass dude with a Small Burger lol, now i ask what was you doing at the Tard convention. DID you have matching hats??
  5. Heres my Take... MMo the kind i like. And yes MMO if you Pay will take over your life cause you feel bound and Obilgated to Play your moneys worth Trust me i have done them all. Linage 2 $1000 (400 pounds UK cash worth), Eve Online similar story. the only time that it will slow down is when either A. ppl stop pl;aying that can afford to keep there account open. B. you can afford to keep you account open and you get to THAT point were its just not to much fun gruling allday for 1 lvl or that 1 million you need. I mean example is 15 free trial Eve Online. YOU mad thats 15 days pretty much non stop to get to a place you like and feel like someone in the world and for what, Ill Tell you DECISION time. Pay to Play or DIE. So i offer you this Matial Arts Error, Wu Tang Shan, Leauge of Beggars, Brotherhood of Thieves (just a few factions of this Awsome FREE based for life MMO "9Dragons". we have 2 highly skilled players already playing. Yes and now we can help with what ever you need, Quests, Money, Were to go what to do, Yes i wont lie its a Grule up tiill a certain level but i have just done 1 character to that point in 3 days and NO not for 18 hrs but a few hrs per night or day. I would say i would like to see ppl play MORE dods but alas there comes a time that you have to TAKE A BREAK from the repetative run Kill and die scene. anyways check it out on youtube, it is fun as i say and for those who started and stopped i think that just says one thing about yourself, YOU DIDNT want to PLay MMO in the first place. Or mabye its not your style, IE medievil era. I do HOW ever Feel When we do Battalion Based events, Practice, Scrims and Realisms. Now you should remember the VENT and the Player base you use to play HApply for hrs on these MMOs SHOULD not BE PRIORITY over DODS. or why didnt you start that before you became a member. Anyways this wasnt angled at ANYONE, and please dont read this thinking that. Its 8am im half awake and just wanted to contribute to the forum.
  6. called his gay buddy bum ladin "Oi Bum, i need some anal Nuke probe'ings on dese bitches", a silent pause then he responds ......
  7. British guy named Omalley says "Wtf is going on here m8, is this a gay Club convention?"......
  8. United States (95) Canada (26) Norway (98)
  9. you 100% sure its the MB cause no boot general states a virus of some sort. but that from my experiences. hope you get it fixed via the warrnty etc, btw if it was me i would mark the MB somewere with a marker and see that they dont just add a new HD and send it back, the company that is.
  10. I second "Shawn of the Dead" considering its from me homeland Isle Funny and i understand the Words lolol
  11. Where are the Packers????? VOTE DENIED, Non of them teams Especially the TRAITOR Farve and dem Vikings
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