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Everything posted by Kowalewski

  1. Looks Like SNAFU.
  2. Last nights episode was good, the part where the Marine chokes out the wounded jap was intense. E B Sledge is in the next weeks episode so pretty excited for that.
  3. Myabe does This song make me look gay?
  4. trailer to the next episode kind of looks like a soap opera tbh
  5. yea! my dad got HBO up yesterday and im stoked for this. and he means there is weird sound in the Iwo preview, like at 15 seconds you can here weird ass yelling that sounds out of place, it made me lol
  6. this looks awesome, im getting HBO just for this series. If youve ever read With The Old Breed by E.B. Sledge like i have you gotta see this because one of the characters in the Pacific is him.
  7. bubba, Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:23170893 , banned a couple weeks ago for griefing (sorry forgot exact date). I was playing in your pub server and just got gitty. It started when i randomly fired the MG in all different directions and tking a friend of mine. Then i started to tk other people. I forgot the admin who banned me as i am not to familiar with the members. I eventually got banned when i tked like 4 guys in a row. I would have banned me to at that point and i am sorry. I was originally told that the ban would persist for a couple of days but i have posted here to verify it. Thank you.
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