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McKenzie 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by McKenzie 1st MRB

  1. I'm just sayin.... We should legalize weed, just so fucking pot heads have nothing to talk about ever again. Quote that shit.
  2. Can't wait to see you around again brother, good luck with the kid and hope all is well!
  3. Eastern Philosophies, because I am a huge fan of the study of Taoism, as well as the entirety of Samurai Culture.
  4. Herpy Derpday!
  5. Haha a day early, but thank you everyone! I will drink a beer for everyone of you being here in Spirit! .
  6. Lets see... Favorite Classic Rifle: Either my Winchester Lever Action .44 Magnum or my Mosin Nagant 91/30. Favorite Military Rifle: Gotta be the Springfield M1A Whitefeather edition. Favorite High End Rifle: My CZ in .375 Holland & Holland Safari Rifle Favorite Classic Pistol: Colt Peacemaker Favorite Modern Pistol: Glock 22C.
  7. Pacqiauo slapped Bradley around worse then a pimp smacks a 5 dollar hoe...
  8. Next Paycheck I am getting OA for Arma 2, downloading Arma 2 again and I am gonna play this shit!
  9. Or you know, don't make your game public or join public game servers...
  10. I <3 My Crowd Control Crit Barb...
  11. Trolololololololololololol.... I know you hate cops Liv, and it amuses me, it also amuses me you are still sitting here ranting and raving about something you hate, and trying to incite a reaction. Lemme do one of your favorite things, and link a definition for you... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29 As for me, I'll go play Diablo 3, so TTFN or Ta Ta For Now!
  12. Liv, weren't you the same person who tried trolling me over Law Enforcement Officers years ago? It seems that all you do here (if it was you), is sit around and try to flame people in the Mess Hall. Must lead a sad life if that's all you have to do with your spare time? Meanwhile, the rest of us will go enjoy our so called "Crappy Game" and not lurk and troll on a forum.
  13. Irish725#1509 How about Team Disgusting Fatbodies? .
  14. Just pop out 6 more and you got yourself enough for a baseball team.
  15. Oh Logsdon....you'll have fun with the favorite sport of all of Parris Island MCRD. Two Sheets and a Blanket! When you get back from boot camp, you'll know what i meant :-P.
  16. Uhh definitely buying this on DVD... I had hesitation on the dude who replaced Ed Norton as Bruce Banner, but he did a good job.. Robert Downey Jr. Stole the show though. I <3 Iron Man..
  17. Bickford - 30mm Rocket Launcher
  18. Browning Hi-Power
  19. I want to say Smith and Wesson .357 Magnum... Hint: NO It's not a .50 cal...
  20. Best Score? APM 294, Count 145.
  21. They are only good when coated in chocolate lol
  22. A Lance Corporal and a Sergeant had to share a tent on a field op, when they both woke up at night and looked at the stars. THE Lance spoke up and said "Sergeant, when you see those stars, what does it say to you?" The sergeant replied, " Well they tell me that its 135 am...Cosmically it tells me we are just a small speck in the massiveness of the universe, and religiously it tells me there has to be a higher power that created this beauty. What does it say to you Lance Corporal?" The Lance paused for a second and spoke "Well it says to me someone stole our tent..."
  23. And God help you if you fuck up..
  24. I am gonna guess a fish net t-shirt, maybe some assless leather chaps, you know, your usual attire?
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