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McKenzie 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by McKenzie 1st MRB

  1. So....I should stop singing the Soviet National Anthem then? I mean...I knew it...as a joke...not w aiting for the communist take over or anything....*cough*
  2. I just choked laughing at the bottom one..."Why don't have a seat....Have a seat right over there..."
  3. President Obama was returning from a trip for his election year to the state of Arkansas. He was stepping off Air Force One, and carrying 2 large pigs underneath his arms. The Marine at the bottom of the stairway to the plane, saluted and shouted "NICE PIGS SIR" President Obama stopped and looked at him for a second, and smiled "Son, these aren't just any old pigs, these are genuine Arkansas Razorback Hogs. I got one for Michelle, and I got one for my two daughters.." The Marine froze for a second, then snapped another salute and said "NICE TRADE SIR!" Lulz. Also, A little boy was in an airport with his mom one day, when he needed to use the bathroom. He wandered off to find it and when he wwalked inside, there stood a Green Beret all decked out in his dress uniform. He was looking spiffy his shoes were shined, his cover was on correctly. The little boy marveled at the Green Beret and said ""Scuse me mister, but are you a green beret?" The soldier smiled and said "Yes son, I am, how would you like to wear my cover?" The little boy beamed with pride, and the man set it on his head and went to use the stall. Seconds later, a Marine Gunnery Sergeant walked in, decked in his dress blues. His shoes were shinng bright, his medals were as bright as the sun, he was on point. The little boy marveled again, his eyes wide and said "Scuse me mister, are you a real Marine?" The Gunny smiled and nodded and said "Yes son I am, how would you like to shine my shoes?" The little boy shook his head and said "oh no sir, I am not a real Green Beret..." Ba Dum Tish.
  4. I got 1, and its my power as an internet forum user to objectively ignore all other answers and reason! But I am also really bad at math, so it could be 9.
  5. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/17304720.jpg
  6. A lot of exec's cut it out, I believe Elf's does, as well as some of the other ones users use. It's just an unnecessary thing to get rid of in the exec to maximize your performance. You'd have to restore back to the original configs more then likely if you have a custom one.
  7. Got a couple more...
  8. This is the start of something awesome..
  9. Goodwin's point is the exact reason I decided not to rush a build and am going to piece it together as I find deals, or until I can afford to build it all at once.
  10. Granted, you wished you had AIDS. Congrats you now have AIDS. I wish it was May 18th already.
  11. Granted, but they all give birth to octuplets after you impregnate them all. Have fun wit hthe child support. I wish I had every song that I have ever liked in one awesome play list on my functioning iPod.
  12. Granted, but they all give birth to octuplets after you impregnate them all. Have fun wit hthe child support. I wish I had every song that I have ever liked in one awesome play list on my functioning iPod.
  13. Granted, congratulations, now instead of being Emperor of one big pile of shit, you are now the owner of many big piles of shit. I wish I had a glass of water.
  14. Granted, you are given 10 Million pounds of British Sterling, as it slowly compresses your chest, your ribs cracking piercing your lungs and crushing you to death... I wish I had a glass of water.
  15. Bout to bring this thread back from the dead... Granted, you get a Guiness World Record book delivered directly into your face at Mach 5. I wish I was out of this stupid country and was back home.
  16. Hopefully that this fixes it for you. One usually only has to enter it when connecting to Vent from a different computer the first time. That might be why you are having issues.
  17. ^ What he said Verify Integrity of your game cache will probably fix it. It will find the file thats corrupt, delete and redownload it. Hopefully that helps.
  18. Can't tell you how many times I have put the mute button on and forgotten to take it off. No sweat, happens to the best of us.
  19. Check your password that you use to login with. Make sure you typed it in right.
  20. Quick Update: Decided to pass, the wife is letting me use cash to build my baby from the ground up. I'd rather it do it that way then try and get some body's old rig. More customized that way. Thanks for all the info though!
  21. Can't wait. Gonna need the time on the Event meeting though lol. Am I to assume 9pm EST as per usual for event meetings? Ya'll might see my goofy ass self popping and in out of the private to show you young bucks whats up.
  22. Let the heisting commence!
  23. Just got it installed and downloaded, who is up to rob some banks?
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