Hello fellow members of the 1st MRB. I would like to start off by saying it does feel good to be back, and that I will be far more active then I was in the past.
I would like to address some rumblings that i had overheard that I had abandoned the 1st MRB. Granted I know i'm not a very important person amongst the ranks, but i would still like to say that No I have not left. I was engaged in a CEVO L4D2 tournament with my secondary team of Long Island Gaming Servers, aka LIGS for a while. We actually had a pretty decent run, ended up in the Semi Finals before getting knocked out. Shortly after this time, due to some billeting issues, I was forced to change rooms right before the holidays. For a long period of time I had no internet nor any real place to stay at. I went home over the holidays, but my computer had a fatal error, and i had to reformat my computer, not once but twice, once for Vista and then again for Windows 7. During this period of confusion, I had multiple issues with my Soundcard that really just didn't motivate me to play games til I fixed it. However, I finally found the materials I needed to fix it, I have a decently fast internet connection and I will be on the MRB servers once more!
Thank you to all of those who never lost faith in my loyalty to the MRB
and my apologies to anyone who might have thought i was a traitor to the cause.