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McKenzie 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by McKenzie 1st MRB

  1. His DMX is fucking perfect haha. All of em were good, but even his choice of lyrics for him and Snoop Dogg was HILARIOUS.
  2. Princes of the Universe by Queen Citizen/Soldier- 3 Doors Down Drop the World- Lil Wayne/Eminem Another Day - The Twenty Two's Spinning- Zion I
  3. Yeah, We have checked inventory and saved since you stopped posting :-P.
  4. with gonaherpasyphilitis, but you forgot you already had it so you proceed to use a cheesegrater on your...
  5. Sick fuck, he looks utterly crazy to in the picture. I hope they feed his body to a pack of particularly vicious mini schnauzers lol.
  6. have sex with her in the puddle of vomit while your wearing a...
  7. Granted, but you have to clean up after it and take care of all of its medical bills, forcing you into bankruptcy and eventually leading you to become a crossdressing prostitute named LaShawnda. I wish I was having a better weekend.
  8. Liv, just a useful bit of information here. xD
  9. I'm pretty sure the crackhead will take said crack, smoke it and come back and never look for your shit at all. I have dealt with cops, my father was a cop and I have had run ins with them in the past. I was treated fairly in my eyes, and I mean some of the shit that some cops do? Yeah its fucked up I agree. But you can't make generalizations about it and claim that ALL cops are assholes. I mean thats like saying that all women are dirty cheating lying whores, because one of my ex's cheated on me. Generalization, point in case. I welcome a discussion if you'd like to have one on morales and ethics and policies of Police officers if you would like.
  10. Woah woah woah hostility. Liv, sorry that you feel that way, but Lehman has a point. Your shit gets jacked, that sucks, but I'm sure that the police are doing whatever they can to help, but there are more threatening things then a missing guitar. Lehman, I understand your view point and highly respect your appreciation for law enforcement officers, however she is allowed to think what she pleases. However Liv I will say, I'm pretty sure a cop will try and do more to help then a crackhead will. Just saying. And Vogt, thank you, making quite a bit of sense there haha.
  11. Psshht, I was planning on going in to Law Enforcement possibly after I get out of the Marine Corps. lol Don't think the Police Help? Next time your being robbed, try calling a crackhead.
  12. *cue mastered confusion* ....t3h fux? lol and yeah, don't worry haha I will keep the Rage Coming :-P
  13. *Includes his late post* I got a Mosin Nagant 91/30 with matching serialized bayonet and oil can and other goodies. God of War HD Collection for the PS3 50 bucks to Best Buy Titanium Battlespork $300 to Mens Wearhouse (With which I got 2 Xtreme Couture jackets, which aren ormally priced at about 300 dollars that i got for 60 bucks a piece, sold one kept the other) A couple of badass long sleeve shirts (which I need) A Butterfly Knife/Pen. Oh and I got to be home for the holidays. (PS I also got a new flask and a bottle of Scotch to fill it with)
  14. Hello fellow members of the 1st MRB. I would like to start off by saying it does feel good to be back, and that I will be far more active then I was in the past. I would like to address some rumblings that i had overheard that I had abandoned the 1st MRB. Granted I know i'm not a very important person amongst the ranks, but i would still like to say that No I have not left. I was engaged in a CEVO L4D2 tournament with my secondary team of Long Island Gaming Servers, aka LIGS for a while. We actually had a pretty decent run, ended up in the Semi Finals before getting knocked out. Shortly after this time, due to some billeting issues, I was forced to change rooms right before the holidays. For a long period of time I had no internet nor any real place to stay at. I went home over the holidays, but my computer had a fatal error, and i had to reformat my computer, not once but twice, once for Vista and then again for Windows 7. During this period of confusion, I had multiple issues with my Soundcard that really just didn't motivate me to play games til I fixed it. However, I finally found the materials I needed to fix it, I have a decently fast internet connection and I will be on the MRB servers once more! Thank you to all of those who never lost faith in my loyalty to the MRB and my apologies to anyone who might have thought i was a traitor to the cause.
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