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McKenzie 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by McKenzie 1st MRB

  1. Thanks so much Cast!
  2. Fucking Truth.
  3. Attend as many realisms as I can, and start improving my "hands off" approach of leading to be more "involved". Also, to hail the 1st MRB pub server asthe best damn pub server of all!
  4. Oh and I am having half my months pay taken away for the same thing, and I have a wife who can't work due to a back injury, but my CO didn't give two shits.
  5. The only thing I can say is this Always watch your back, and know that anyone at anytime will fuck you as soon as they get a chance. Speaking from my standpoint though, a recently demoted Lance Corporal of Marines who got fucked and railroaded by a cock sucker Reservist SSGt.
  6. To the Captains previous post, I am sure that is only a 2 player game... And theres always a rousing game of "Whos in my mouth?"
  7. It's a sad day when I don't even get an honorary nominee .
  8. Names Connor McKenzie, Game I want? Payday The Heist Cause I love 4 player coop games. (Go L4D2), and I always wanted to play a badass Bank Heist game!
  9. Well I need the Ravens to suck dick so I can power through the Semi Finals of my Fantasy Football League, so Chargers. And I hate the Patriots so whoever is facing them, go you.
  10. Names McKenzie.....Connor..McKenzie.... Born in Kileen TX, raised in Wauwatosa, WI, working in Camp Pendleton CA, and hating life in AFG, I am a US Marine currently operating overseas as a 0651 Data Network Specialist. Imagine the Geek Squad of the Marine Corps. My interests include video gaming, trash talking, bull shitting, smoking fine cigars and above all paintballing. I am not currently in school although I plan to get my assosciates in Computer Network Design. I own a a 2002 Mitsubishi OZ Racing Rally Art Lancer, and I am currently married at the young age of 21, to my wife who I have been with for 5 years already. I speak English and German, although I can only speak German conversationally, not exactly fluent. I have a black belt in 3 martial arts (TKD, Hap Ki Do and Chung Do Mu Sool Won (ancient Korean art, had to train privately for that one)) I also have an avid interest i ntraditional Muay Thai (not MMA), and traditional Ju Jitsu. I also am an avid writer, although I mainly do non canon stories for different game series I like (and no, not slash fiction before any one asks). Among my other interests, I play paintball as often as I can, I currently own two markers and I plan on purchasing 1 or 2 more before i make it home in midapril And that't about it.....but I really miss playing the DOD:S with my fellow Raiders
  11. It's hard to believe that I have been with this great gang of guys (and gals) for over 2 years now! Keep up the good work everybody!
  12. Hax for <3's Engle .
  13. If I had a life, I would still use it to bother you Engle, just because I <3 you that much.
  14. Woo, just posting up some spam. Hit my 1000 Post mark! Well, one thousand and 3.
  15. You sound like a real #winner
  16. Fuck yeah. I shoulda just gone to my command when the piece of shit threatened me the first time. I was too nice a guy.
  17. Warrant Officer Scrooge up in this beeyitch...:-P
  18. 1. Sly8 Premium Gunmetal/Black Paintball Mask 2. Deluxe Poker Chip Set (Starting to get good at Texas Hold Em 3. Walking Dead Compendium 1-48 That's about it really...maybe some new snowboard goggles. But that'll wait til I get back haha
  19. It's cool, the incompetent piece of shit got booted out of his platoon for failure of leadership, and got booted out of BDOC for conducting unbecoming a SNCO. I hope he burns. Burns hard.
  20. Yessuh, Article 113, misbehavior of a sentinel. Turns out that when you threaten to throw down with a reservist SSgt, and hten he busts you nodded off for 5 minutes on post (at Camp Cupcake no less), he relishes the thought of burning you. It was my fuck up, but it coulda been handled so much lower. Cocksucker.
  21. The Big Green Weenie struck me hard this week. What up Lance Criminal McKenzie? NOT MUCH! .
  22. Best Bar Fare in Milwaukee? The Old German Bier Hall, traditional German Bier Hall style, long bench tables, big thick Krugs to drink from, even a Krug Club (pronounced Krew-gah) that you pay a monthly fee to enter, and for the price of a pint you can get any Krug filled. They have traditional German fare to, including red cabbage, smoked pork chop sandwiches, and other amazing food. If you are ever in Southeast Win-Sconsin, look it up, I promise you won't be disappointed.
  23. I have another story to note. I was standing firewatch one day, at the front post, which was a stack of foot lockers facing the front door of the squad bay. One night, the drill instructor came out and started screaming at me. The squad leader was asleep in the bottom rack right behind me, and as the DI was tearing me a new one, the kid rolled over in his sleep, and went "Shhhhhhhhhh". The DI stopped in mid scream and looked at him then at me then at him then at me again and said "Did he just fucking shush me? DID THIS BITCH JUST FUCKING SHUSH ME?" I stood there, flabbergasted, thinking either this cat had the biggest balls in the world, or he was masochist. Then the kid whispers again, a little louder "Shhhhhhhhhhh!" The DI flipped a lid, kicked the footlockers into his rack, sending a foot locker rolling across his chest and started screaming. THe kid never had any idea, and to this day, blames me for getting him fucked up for something he didn't do. Still doesn't believe me that he shushed a DI in his sleep.
  24. Welllpp I found out what happened with Arkham City, apparently they gave me a refund and never fucking told me. Rat fuckers. So now I gotta order it again, if I even freaking bother. It just pisses me off they didn't tell me at all.
  25. Dude....thats the first video game commercial I have seen that's giving me chills....that was fucking tits. Playstation, you have won my love all over again...
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