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Everything posted by Collins

  1. happy birthday mitchie
  2. not fail, i need to screenshot my page as it shows me that today is wells and mcdowells birthday, the calendar thingy lied to me lmao
  3. Woot go mcdowell and im pretty sure i didnt spell ur name right but hey u gotta bigger problems like being old =P
  4. Happy B'day wells, 25 years, gees your starting to rack up some high numbers =P
  5. Collins

    Quote Thread

    Ok guys this is where you quote people on what they said in vent or on the 1st marine server or forums in another section, ill start: Engle: i had sex with myself last night, and i promoted myself to Warrant officer XD
  6. collins laughed at watkis coz he doesnt know aussie slang coz..............
  7. Was that Giovannoli couldn't spell steel properly and this game him..................
  8. the survivours he helped kill in L4D2 (aka me, ray and sorley XD) by shooting.........
  9. turkey ham finger bites that tasted................
  10. im just wondering what McCaskill was doing just before the photo, lol especially with the shock on his face and where his hand is XD
  11. purple and shiny, they fought with..........
  12. and is the name of my grand...............
  13. Collins

    Woot WE WON

    lol thanks, and goodwin, im only playing to help out a friend, since people wont show up to play, im not much of a basketballer.
  14. Collins

    Woot WE WON

    Yeah after losing the first two matches this week we won and at half time i had most our teams points, but unforts i didnt score in the second half lol but we won, the other team couldnt shoot it was quite funny
  15. Those are Smarties?? Ours are sort of like m&m's We call those things they u posted fizzers
  16. Introduction Why we play Painful stuff We hit harder! Few fights
  17. happy bday ray
  18. thanks guys
  19. United States (173) Norway (40)
  20. hows my cavaliers doing?
  21. I fcking hate this bullshit, its soo badly fucked me up, i grew up with a guy playing Australian football, He was a forward that kicked goals, he could kick goals, and i a defender that stopped him from getting the ball, his mother knew people in all the right places, probably sucked a few dicks along the way, although i know her and we are good terms, i dont hate either, but the fact that he was made by our coaches to go against me to practice to get better and 78% of the time ( based on real stats) i beat him and stopped him from getting the ball. Now because he was given the chance in the, say minor league of our footy he has been picked up by one of our country's professional teams, and me, i didnt get that shot, now how is that fair??? I was the backbone of my teams growing up, i held us together, i even got a sponsorship from our senior club because i was that good, that first season, i rocked it, had a slow start coz of my fitness, was getting over minor knee injury, but second half i got most votes, first half votes: 7, second half votes: 47, ended up 5th best and fairest, highest votes all season, 91 know if my fitness and knee were there, woulda got 1st as did the coach told me, growing up my coaches all said i'd be the one to go professional when they talked to the team about who they thought had what it takes. Unfortunately i know no-one in those high places, my parents dont coz they are sorta recluses, ITS soooooooo Fcking bullshit, this shit drives me crazy everytime, i could kick a ball accurate from 70 meters away, i got too much balance i can spare some, and im one speedy mother fucker, and as for my tackle, well a few unconscious victims never hurt a reputation, plus i had the discipline to not fight, and i was the only one to shepherd, true fact, so i took alot of punches from feral opponents over my 11 years of the game, never missed a game, sick or injured til last year when my team mate kneed me in the back, lost feeling and injured a knee i couldnt feel. Any of this crap happened to anyone else, where they werent given oppurtunities that should of been given to them??
  22. if you check the previous season, winter im also first LMAO but before then im nowhere to be found hahaha
  23. http://www.gameme.com/ranking?rankings_sho...;city=#rankings Im completely shocked at this rating
  24. From Australia to Dallas: To closest server in Australia: These are done from 2 computers using the same internet
  25. True Aussie Mt. Disappointment ended up being Mt. Having a fire dance good time Last year of school Muck up day
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