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Everything posted by Collins

  1. happy birthday SIR!!
  2. Woot almost 5 full months of service in the 1st mrb
  3. Need more people to have this game on pc
  4. Collins

    Quote Thread

    LMFAO hahahahaha
  5. ur gonna turn into that??? what u gonna do turn stale when sum1 tries to eat you??
  6. lol, he is studying animation and shit, this was his first attempt
  7. Collins

    Quote Thread

    ment to be believe, but i typed to quick coz i was busy
  8. Collins

    Quote Thread

    You fucking prick LMAO dont beliee his lies hahahaa
  9. Collins

    Quote Thread

    4:34 PM - SSgt. M. Collins [1st MRB]: came in to kill you 4:34 PM - TheDude.Tf |ßÄЯ|: you just wanted to cum 4:34 PM - SSgt. M. Collins [1st MRB]: all over your face baby 4:35 PM - SSgt. M. Collins [1st MRB]: and ill make engle my bitch hahahaha 4:36 PM - SSgt. M. Collins [1st MRB]: ima kill u both 4:36 PM - TheDude.Tf |ßÄЯ|: you just want my penis 4:36 PM - SSgt. M. Collins [1st MRB]: in engles mouth XD
  10. it happened to me with my allied rocket kills, i was up to my last achievement which was jack of all trades, i get it then no full achievements, my rockets went to 0
  11. terrible game
  12. Alright guys if you were a transformer, what would your name be and what mode of transport would you be?? I would name myself Aerostorm and be a F14 tomcat
  13. You should have the ability to alt-tab during game, usually though you may always have to do record 1 stop, just so the game isnt lagging. But yes excessive amounts of alt-tabbing will cause a game to crash.
  14. Lol yeah, he is the smallest, in height muscle, and everything else hahahaa
  15. Bahahahaha funny shit, best time of my life there, fcking hate photos and especially posing in them!!!
  16. well we love having american celebs on the show, coz they are like scared like tony woods in the above clips, hahaha
  17. Hahahahaha, i seriously hid my trophy behind him, i mean who wants to get a picture taken of a trophy for most improved, i mean fck, just because i couldnt do a 3km run at the start of the season and then i could run rings around everyone on my team they think thats improvement, shit i didnt improve on my talent, just took them half a season to recognise it hahahaha
  18. Collins

    Quote Thread

    4:11 PM - SSgt. M. Collins [1st MRB]: sif u used my spot! 4:11 PM - Pfc. T. Stutler [1st MRB]: lol "sif", love havent heard that since i met a brit in spain
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