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Everything posted by Collins

  1. Regular english class English literature class Football, we won, fcking had mud everywhere. So you guys know its AFL, not that stupid fcking shit called "Soccer" Didnt know this was taken found it on a rando facebook friends page never to young to learn hahahaha trophy winners, mine sucked, thats why im hiding it LMAO
  2. After further complaints, before i could perm ban, he left so i would recommend this be a perm ban instead of the recommended 2 week ban by kabasares.
  3. Lol yesterday caused a lil trouble for them, one of there side part groups, similiar to our BAR, the guy accused me of hacking and the regular 506 guys told him i wasnt, but they are good guys
  4. wooot august i should be going paintball for the first time, HELL YEAH!!!!
  5. Hell yeah just went into the 506 PIR server, great guys, anyhow i went a 100-17 with 5 flags caps on argentan with sniper, it was amazing, got a triple kill in the last 4 seconds to make that 100 XD
  6. Look at the implications, seriously i cannot be the only one that knows this shit, seriously i never did the work or studied at school with writing but it still seems i know more than you, *fuck* (not directed at you, just anger cry), peoples opinions as innocent as they may hoped to be, are in fact biases implications that even if your not aware of it, they are still occuring, keep that in mind. Look again its there at the top!
  7. Right here: "So those that are saying we're "shoving marijuana usage down throats"... stop...... don't type any further.... because you are officially not apart of this thread" If you cant see that then thats very sad.
  8. You cant deny people the rights to there opinions if you want the right to yours, just keep that in mind cramer.
  9. Pot Smoker: "If the girl i just had sex with is Justin's cousin and Justin is is my mothers nephew and she only has one brother than the girl i had sex with is a complete stranger. Beat that Logic!" Drunk person: "We both got something in common we had sex with your dog ugly sister." Pot smoker: "Yeah good times." LMFAO!!!
  10. quickflicks doesnt have the angel seasons and ninjavideo doesnt work.
  11. Guys im trying to find a website that allows free view of the tv show angel all seasons, something that allows non us viewers to watch, which means no hulu. any helpers??
  12. No i gotta add one last thing.....................Drunks run over stop signs, people that are high just wait for them to turn green XD
  13. Ima say it now, Your an idiot if u do drugs, except the occasional drink of alcohol as proven studies have shown that it fights certain damages to the brain, like alzhiemers. i didnt spell it right so shoot me.
  14. Ya i gots one on my back, its still needs to be filled, the pic is there just not the fill in ink, ill post it later
  15. I banned you, and with good cause, first off, you kept using all chat after multiple warnings not to during a realism, intention was to kick you on your next offense of it, then when we lined up you thought it was ok to randomly fire your pistol every so often after i told you not to u still persisted, i was going to kick you after the map had rotated to causeways, but as the map was changing over you decided to intentionally team wound 3 people, ncos as it were, which is not on, its showing disrespect to 1st mrb members, disrespect to myself, which should not happen as i had opened the realism up to allow you the privilidge to play with us, and you go and throw it back in my face, you did not want to follow our rules which is why in turn you were banned.
  16. When will you get this experience??? XD
  17. Name: [TEAM PEGGLE] Smash Adam Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:1499561 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional tking Recomended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N
  18. lets you know exactly the middle point, without the wait.
  19. He had same crosshair as me, its the crosshair 7
  20. most shots looked normal, but there was definatly some sort of hack as he knew where people were around corners and stuff
  21. Canada Day is a myth
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