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About Cayen

  • Birthday 08/19/1993

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  • Weapon of Choice
    M1 Carbine

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Cayen's Achievements

Forum Pirate

Forum Pirate (39/91)



  1. Cayen

    Class Ring

    I find the second is cool, to bad i couldnt get one good luck on finding the right ring man!
  2. Cayen

    M16 vs AK-47

    ak47 more reliable then the m16 you can not destroy this thing at all, and it can work in extremely harsh conditions, altho it has alot of recoil so i like the m16 for that it has abit less
  3. ok lol my bad thomas i just saw what it does
  4. Thomas you should right click and look for the embed its usually always there i found it for you
  5. Cayen

    Funny Story

  6. Cayen


    , i wanted to see what was going to happen i mean you have to laugh at urself sometimes *trollFace*
  7. Cayen

    Quote Thread

    Actually yea it was all on purpose
  8. Cayen


    Well i thought i could give it a try. We are canucks. We beat team USA for olympic gold in hockey. we have awsome hockey teams ( Toronto Maple Leafs, Montreal Canadians, Vancouver Canucks) Canadian Bacon o and, whats up Eh! i think that sums it up a little.
  9. Name: [uCF] CmndrFluffy Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:1954700 Reasons for the Ban: Several tk"s in spawn then leaving Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: n Y/N
  10. This guy is awsome
  11. I wanted to say thanks for everyone who has helped me in the past and thanks to the Command Staff for helping me out from time to time, Keep fragging! p.s im not leaving btw just felt like posting this
  12. well personally ok yes she acted right in defending herself, but was she shooting to kill or to defend thats my point you shouldnt kill a person unless they get back up and try to attack you again.
  13. Team canada the junior team lost against russia and wont be going for the gold this sucks it has not happened since 2001 !!
  14. i watched this video then »»───knee───►
  15. Cayen

    Behold Bitches

    So does that mean you get used by everyone..?
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