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    Grand Island, Nebraska

Phothisane's Achievements

Forum Beginner

Forum Beginner (3/91)



  1. Public Realism will be held Friday 29th, 2009. We will be starting at 10 PM EST Friday 01/29 and going all day Saturday 01/30. That's all day Saturday to Midnight plus two extra hours on Friday. So come and join us for the fun times! Password: Open2All Camp Forrest Server - You can download the New Public Map Pack Installer here. The pack includes the following custom maps not found in the default game library: dod_anvil2 dod_breguelb8 dod_hameau_rc1 dod_paysage_b7 dod_sora_b3 dod_venteux_final dod_vigilance In addition to the above map pack you should strongly consider downloading the following as these maps are on our custom map server and we may also use these maps in realism this weekend. 5th Ranger Battalion Custom Server Map Pack: UPDATED 04/23/2009 DOWNLOAD CUSTOM SERVER MAP PACK 5th Ranger Original Custom Map Pack: Anvil2 - Breugelb8 - Hameau_rc1 - Paysage_b7 - Sora_b3 - Venteux_final - Vigilance Camp Map Pack #1: Coire - Strand - Vigilance Camp Map Pack #2: Aura - Churchyard - Stug - Tunisia - Crash ATTENTION: Since the update came out, anyone on a team is not able to see chat from spectators. To get around this, you send a message to admins when you join the server and are asking for a team. You do this by typing in team chat and putting an @ symbol, followed by a space, followed by your message. For example: (TEAM):@ team please?
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