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Everything posted by Legend

  1. Good talk lol
  2. Thanks
  3. Thats right
  4. This one is too good, BONUS!
  5. This guy opened for the Fleet Foxes at the Cedar in Minneapolis and I've been following his music ever since fall 08. Feels like reading some Tom n Huck Fin! I recommend his other videos on the tube! Frank Fairfield's Story, Click Here Tour Dates
  6. That's 100% legit. You should smoke more McD. Can't, I value my security clearance more than a good time Secret Agent Mc.D
  7. Woke up, Got outta Bed! Dragged Ah comb across my head. (2:10)
  8. First guy to use social media to show everyone the great work he's doing.
  9. I do too, just learned his version.
  10. Legend

    Gaming Mice

    Kaba, get this one, it's good value for its price, and very comfortable for long play time.
  11. Yes, It's funny to see their faces after the follow up question lol
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