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Everything posted by Legend

  1. You clearly did not watch the video
  2. Tardigrades or "Water bears" are the only creatures that can survive the extreme conditions in the vacuum of outer space.
  3. hahahahahgah
  4. I recently stumbles upon this link and never knew space had such recognizable sounds. http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1H5m32/www.s...ounds.com/home/
  5. A story of pirates in Somalia, told from the perspective of the pirates. Watch the whole short online for free NOW ! Click Click! http://shortlistfilmfestival.com/films/fishing-without-nets
  7. I dont trust this site, you guys should never type your password out to anyone!
  8. Super fucked up stuff!
  9. coogan, get on vent
  10. @ 3:18 and 4:10
  11. Had to repost lol Goes Super Saiyan @ 3:10
  12. get one on every town expecpt suno, praven and rohdok cities.
  13. Legend


  14. buy w/e it is in person to make sure it fits your hand
  15. Name:Recon Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:478016 Reasons for the Ban: accusing me of hacking, then left the server with a racist remark. Recommended duration of ban: 1week - perm Demo Provided?: no
  16. Super Soul.
  17. I'm going to use my femto camera to look into your BRAIN!!!!!
  18. What you think those guys are saying???
  19. David and Harry begin their second great trek, starting from Tijuana and plotting a course up the West Coast, through Canada, and to the North Pole. In this episode, the Koreans Gone Bad come down from their testosterone high and arrive at David's folks's house in Koreatown. After one last homecooked meal, the boys gear up for their trip north and catch a ride out of town. Watch the rest here! Part 1/4: http://bit.ly/Thumbs-Up-S2-1 Part 2/4: http://bit.ly/Thumbs-Up-S2-2 Part 3/4: http://bit.ly/Thumbs-Up-S2-3 Part 4/4: http://bit.ly/Thumbs-Up-S2-4
  20. Suroosh Alvi of VICE travels to Bin Laden's infamous compound to see what people really think about living next to America's most vilified fugitive. Unsurprisingly, their concern lies less with the proximity of Bin Laden than the chaos that his death has sparked. Although the controversy over whether or not Pakistan was harboring Bin Laden and the "trust deficit" is the primary focus for the American media, Pakistani news is busy covering the onslaught of violence that has broken out since the May 2nd raid. The people have seen a marked increase in American drone attacks, while the Taliban continues its retaliation with a relentless wave of suicide bombings. Anti-American sentiment has never run higher and this turbulent nation clearly has bigger issues than Bin Laden's death to contend with.
  21. Here's some chill music from your land. Happy Day Of Birth.
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