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Everything posted by Legend

  1. me i wanteee
  2. He's Learning English foos
  3. Name: Wake Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:28107081 Duration of Ban: perma Reasons for the Ban: aimbot Demo Provided?: yes http://www.mediafire.com/?b4tftj4v2wb51yq Comments: Disrupting the server because of hacking with at least aim bot. Johnson as witness.
  4. I can do that...
  5. Had to, this one was in the recommended videos.
  6. LOL
  7. No greek faction without a preorder?!!?!?? thats super lame
  8. Funny one, Bill wears a wizards cap and unbaptizes Mitt Rommey's dead father in law lol
  9. Like ah deer in the headlights with the camera on.
  10. Is there anyway to have multiple Rome total war mods on at the same time? i'm thinking about getting Rome Total War BI: Viking Invasion 2, but i also like my Rome Total Realism Mod.
  11. Total War: Rome II - Teutoburg Walkthrough New Video!! RTW2 :: Factions Get to see some game play and the interface for the battles here.
  12. This has made my life unnecessarily tougher today. Baguette Prosciutto Provolone Honey
  13. nerd alert
  14. Legend


    first few episodes were kinda blah
  15. Name: Blubb0r Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:13441963 Duration of Ban: permanent Reasons for the Ban: Called in to ban a hacker, and he had very obvious no recoil with possible wall hacks. Demo Provided?: Demo from Rijke. http://www.mediafire.com/?a9zxk1n4i0ndr8x http://www.mediafire.com/?6ux558yt263l062 Comments:
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