Old Trip to Pattaya, Thailand Motorbikes, cheap food, cheap alcohol, women, beach, clubs, malls. I tell eveyone that if your white, american, or both, you become, Brad Pitt. Here are some G rated photos.
Story: I got this math teacher with a hilarious voice and and sometimes uses crazy words, and in combination with the voice, it provides for some good learning and laughs. So he has us watch video lectures before class lectures, for "skill training," Well, i figured that if some of you want a leg up on Math, or just to get some Free College, here is a link that you can save, and this guy really teaches very well, mos def a math genius.
There's many videos of free lessons on nosing, tasting, how waters work ect... on his youtube page. or that website he keeps posting, which i have'nt gone to yet lol