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Everything posted by Legend
I disagree with the viking not winning it. Even that they havent won a superbowl, and brett Farve is old, he still brings a lifetime of experience to the whole team and we got a sick line up of players. AP, Farve, Harven, Winfield, Horse face Jared Allen, The Williams Wall, Best Against Run, One of the best offensive lines. Suck it! hahaha
Thanks for the input guys : )
Anyone got one? If so, what are some convincing feature?
Iama dump lotion of my friends face right at the 3D climax
I figured it out, i was able to get a copy of the setup wizard, netgears very anal about how its all set up. Ty for the input Big D
I just move back home and i have a netgear wireless router, i can get internet wirelessly but he main desktop thats wired to the modem does not get internet. Ive check out setups online and followed them, but no go.
Haha Legend doges anodther reatarrd monthh
HAHA dont tell him to learn the leamest song ever lol. Nugz get in contact with me, ial mic teach some basics "Yo yo my lifes like a video game!", Ninja!
Name: hIgHsPeEd Low Drag]" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:15234480 41:22 91 0 active Reasons for the Ban:Tked a few times and left, and has been banned earlyer yesterday, so he must have mutli accounts. Recomended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: no
I still live for experience and Dmt is one i wanna try at least once. ive never heard about it being harmful for you but 15 mins of my time is well worth it. I really liked your description of the trip, were u able to get more than one hit? or did u hand let go of the pipe?
True dat, i just found a a youtube video of DMT, joe rogan and a bunch of doctors and people in different fiends are bringing a documentary out much like the Union. But this will be talking about the "issues" if any at all are considered to be moral issues. I believe its gonna be called. The Spirit Molecule", coming out in october. If u like Terance, his brothers helping to make this documantary.
I play Guitar, bit of Harmonica, Dijeridoo (collins lawl), and vocals. : ) Oh n Collazo i already know u play guitar, hes got a nice video of his mighty vocals : )
Good book written by a man named Terrance mckenna, you most likey already know this becuase of the title, or your interested in how a fungi may have made us who we are today. Love to talk about the Psychodelic mind and the world you go to that is unreachable, undescribable.
I bow to the great Ford. Watch the union on google!!! Lets just legalize pot to get rid of pot related crimes, and deciminalize everything else. Next it Gay marrage, then prostituition. THEN, America is the new Amsterdam.
Hey if your intererested theres a very nice documentary called. The Union, very information on marijuana and the drug culture, aiming to legalize to get ride of Crime!. Ial post a link for it, but its a very fun and funny documentary, i bet u will like it. Promise it will have the ambigouse statistics ur talking about covered, along with a ton of other stuff. THE UNION http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9...14414651731007#
Yes, i get the same thing!! i have to click my talk button to hear what ppl say
hahahaa Maningus
Nukka's With Puppets" STEAM_0:0:278693 10:52 90 0 active rasism comment then left the server, tags him quick