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Everything posted by Legend

  1. Saw her awhile back on liveleaks, she made a PB n J! I saw that video and I think she said that she wipes with the ball of doom. doesnt she have a site for all things handless?
  2. Hands down, greatest festival i have ever been to, I have done the trip two times and outcome was amazing! This line up is insane and only going to get bigger and better! Beer, hot women, music, comedy, movies, food, beer, commerce, music ...... endless awesome! Bonarooooooo0o0o0o0o00ooo000ooooooo http://lineup.bonnaroo.com/
  3. Saw her awhile back on liveleaks, she made a PB n J!
  4. yes, I can see the Beauty in all thing!
  5. no
  6. so hot
  7. MRB Voice Recorded Clips, and we have a tourny to see who can recognize the most voices.... I will win.
  8. WTF
  9. the perfect touch
  10. this is why we have the internet
  11. the best
  12. fun vid
  13. You Pickers have seen and heard Daniel Rossen before as one of the lead members of the band Grizzly Bear and The Department of Eagles. Here's a kick ass live recording, Enjoy!
  14. We call it "huggin the porcelain goddess" when you have had to much to drink!
  15. +1, Ventriloid on the Smurt phone
  16. Tell her, it's Natural.
  17. Tonight, YOU!
  18. Already! I love 11 year olds!
  19. "Trump's like Lennie from Mice and Men, made billionaire!" LOL
  20. Yeah and i went against the vote, i went with the Wilkies, sorry guys n gals!
  21. dam
  22. Where Canada? that's where he's from.
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