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Everything posted by Legend

  1. new egg, but i would recommend buying it in person because you need to match your hand to the right board.
  2. My Life is Complete.
  3. Danny Brown, rapper out of Detroit, got an interesting style. I think you will dig this one!
  4. What you like to drink? I've been exploring wines, scotches and beer for a long time.
  5. You Drug Dealing, Capitalist, Mutherfuckkeerrrrrr lol
  6. Gonna try to see these guys in Des Moines, $10 Bucks Pretty Catchy Tune! @ 1:37 Pretty sure i see Weatherdon...
  7. The Hands @ 2:40
  8. i'm not gonna read the above post, haven't seen it yet. Anyone got a link for me to watch it?!?!?!?
  9. K.O first min, silva
  10. Oh, Can you learn me dillon?
  11. The Origin of the "Yerrr." @ 0:20.
  12. I didn't know he liked rap either!
  13. Name: Magicarp Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:14563805 Duration of Ban: perm Reasons for the Ban: racism Demo Provided?: no Comments: spammer turned racist, i permed him.
  14. Name: saucer Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:2627742 Reasons for the Ban: kicked multiple time for tking in spawn. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: no
  15. bath salts.
  16. What? explain?
  17. Logsdon, I like your bracelet
  18. Dam, *Slow Clap*
  19. thought this was a bath salt post, nvm
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