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Everything posted by Legend

  1. Turn up You Sound!!! Must see, check out "The moon is disgusting," After. Iama call this guy's style ExperaMetaljazz.
  2. amazing
  3. i use AVG, u saying we need to update or avoid it?
  4. Cosby, in korea there are PC rooms with a bunch of games including dod. very cheap to use.
  5. That means kick in the nuts, not cool collins
  6. Brad pitt, best actor, all times, hands down topic closed
  7. Overclocking, what is it and what can it apply to?
  8. ouch
  9. lol collins
  10. I bet you would like Total war games, you control the pace and its got multi player as well as a long single player. Shogun total war 2 is the one iam next expecting.
  11. Add Hopkins, then set a hit
  12. Parker!!!
  13. Name:Mr Funny Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:15608226 00:47 109 0 Reasons for the Ban: racism, typed N word into chat, and left Recomended duration of ban: 4weeks Demo Provided?: no
  14. I have Ad-Aware and AVG. Windows defender
  15. Wtf, explain what just went down there ehhh
  16. Can i join your unit doood?!?!?
  17. Name: HNKZ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:18981705 06:29 158 0 Reasons for the Ban: Tked and team wounded multiple time then left before i could ban. Recomended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: no
  18. Name: Cpt PU Steam I.D:# 1330 "Cpt.PU" STEAM_0:0:6483288 40:08 76 0 active Reasons for the Ban: Tked twice and left after the warning Recomended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: no
  19. Name: n/a dont know didnt catch it. Steam I.D:B]" STEAM_0:0:31315836 09:05 224 0 active # 974 ".: Reasons for the Ban: Tked a few people and left Recomended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: no
  20. Name: Rambo Steam I.D: MCG-Rambo" STEAM_0:0:13948541 17:08 91 0 active Reasons for the Ban:Tked in spawn multiple times after telling him to stop Recomended duration of ban: 4 weeks Demo Provided?: Y/N no
  21. Total War Series, DoD, CSS, G mod, Poker!!!!
  22. Bio based Products, Marketing and Managment, minor in Korean. Pretty much sustainability and renewability in products and fuels.
  23. so awesome possuem
  24. so funny, fucking viking after viking lol
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