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Everything posted by Legend

  1. Slope Chute!
  2. Stumble Here
  3. Welcome
  4. Billy Connolly Live in New York
  5. peaker you started watching this 5 second after i posted, jump on vent!
  6. No Mo Gas O' Lean on Dah CHEAP!
  7. is that a joke? Do you think this is a fucking game Bunt?!?!?! Dammit BUNT!
  8. Johnson listen to this, it will pass some time http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?...c=22098&hl=
  9. I will try this
  10. Tame Impala Tour Dates / Band Site
  11. Yes. Sept. 17 on the left. Who you preparing to fight?
  12. double yerr
  13. DAM DAM ADM DAM! yeah me too, fo show, !
  14. Top album of the month!
  15. If that's true, then this is very lame.
  16. Name: C. Legend Rank: SgtMaj. Type of issue: Steam Brief Description of Issue: Almost half of my steam games in my library do not have the option to be installed on one of my alternative hard drives. My primary is my SSD C drive 120 gig and my secondary is a 1 Terabit F drive. Why is this? ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  17. The Emulator is a DJ console operated through multitouch technology. By projecting the console onto a transparent display, the DJ is able to perform all the tasks he usually does on a normal console. Furthermore, the bright colors on the glowing panel and the stylish way music can be dragged into various sections of the display add to the cool factor of the DJ. - See more at: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=903_1362150...h.haUt3r4p.dpuf
  18. I like this
  19. Wuuuurd Up, Converted Me!
  20. Legend--- Dah Fak! Fogol?!?!?! Gothe: On the money!
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